#20 Something Is Better Than Nothing
Posted on Mon Dec 12th, 2022 @ 3:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Sean Silk
Location: Delta 2
Timeline: current
Resch and Billi sat at their designated coordinates, the Delta on minimal power so as not to give off a power signature that would be easy to detect from a distance. Both had just finished an order of cinnamon buns and coffee, which they had finished and cleaned up, washing hands and faces of any sticky residue.
"Lieutenant Billi," came over the speakers. "Runabout four here, Sir."
Billi sat up straighter in her seat. "Go ahead, R4. Report."
"We have six blips incoming from one-one-one, mark four. They are coming in from the Federation side, Sir. Orders?"
"Maintain your position, R4," ordered Billi. "Send me the coordinates for their drop from warp and I will meet them."
"Aye, Sir." After a minute the data came to her screens by coded message.
Billi went to full power and raised the screens. "Thank you, R4. Billi, out." Her face went forward as she spoke to her pilot. "Mister Resch, please take us to these coordinates, full impulse." She sent the data to his reader board.
"Aye, Sir," responded Resch, turning the Delta easy enough and put her on the new heading. "Should take twelve minutes max."
It felt more like twelve hours as Billi waited impatiently to cross space to where they needed to be. Her sensors bleeped and she looked to the monitor. "Incoming. Six subspace disturbances denoting warp travel." She tapped keys and put the small craft at red alert, dousing the klaxon immediately, with power needs shunted for engines, and weapons & defense.
Sean Silk, sitting in his pilot's seat on the Bridge of Redeemer, sent the signal for all freighters to drop from warp. As they did so he broke into a grin, his companion, Rusty the Gorn, standing behind him a meter, observing through the forward viewport. He ordered the small armada to all stop, seeing on his sensors that a Delta Flier approached. He opened a channel. "Starfleet, this is Captain Silk of the SS Redeemer. We are at all stop with no weapons or defenses energized. Please, respond."
Billi had heard Silk's voice, giving her own orders before she would speak back. "Resch, keep flying around and between them. Scan them while I chat." He acknowledged and the Delta began to maneuver casually. Billi tapped the comm key. "Good to know it's you, Silk. Billi, here. What's with the convoy?"
Silk smiled to himself, and even Rusty gave a hissing laugh. "Well, these folks have decided to help bring back roughly 60% of what was taken from Mercury. However, with the instructions not to approach, we're in a quandary as to what to do with it. These freighters have business to conduct and I am paying them personally to deliver. Is there any way we can work something out, Lieutenant?"
Billi was surprised by the news. She knew Silk was good, and knew many in the underworld and black market, but this was unexpected. "Give me a few minutes to figure something out, Captain. Please, hold." She muted the transmission. "Damn. We need those things back, but the orders were specific."
"Fuck orders, Sir," said Resch. "Have this Silk guy watch over the rest out here, and let's escort one freighter at a time to within transporter range, and beam the cargo directly to the cargo decks. They are designed to be sealed off instantly in case of emergency, so the danger would be minimal and any boarders could be sent into space at the touch of a key."
Billi gave a grin. "I like this plan." She tapped the mute off. "Captain Silk, we will escort one freighter at a time. You folks decide the brevet line, and we will escort them to within transporter range, and provide the coordinates for where we want it sent. Should anyone do anything untoward, you will be to blame and that means you get to become a fugitive."
"Eloquent, Lieutenant," said Silk. "I have no desire to be on the run. Been there a time or two, and it wasn't fun. I'll pass on the message and get these folks aligned."
Listening to Silk, Billi could sympathize. Having been in charge of her own crew in her mother's clan, and having been put on a criminal list a couple of times, she knew the troubles of being wanted. Thankfully, in her past, none of what she had been accused of had ever been proven. And, she made sure to keep it buried as her desire to join Starfleet had become her goal. "Thank you, Captain Silk. Let us know when you're ready to begin."
With the plan accepted and the freighters lining up for a one at a time approach, Billi escorted each in turn.