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#21 The Plan in Motion

Posted on Tue Dec 13th, 2022 @ 2:52pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Sean Silk

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: various
Timeline: current


Lieutenant Billi and Ensign Resch led the first freighter towards Starbase Mercury. As they did so they continued to fly up and over and all around the cargo vessel, using intensive scans to look for humanoid life readings hidden anywhere. They had asked for the crew compliment, finding out it was six, and had gone from there. While Resch maintained the scans Billi called back to Mercury and let them know what was going on, and that the ships would be escorted one at a time to drop off gear, supplies and goods that had been taken from Merc during the raid. Security and OPS got the word first, then down the list so that they would have armed personnel alongside anyone checking the cargo units. This was her job, making sure that any and all ships made it to and from Mercury in safety.

Reaching the range for the freighter's transporters, and signaling the cargo deck they were ready, Billi fed the coordinates to the freighter. Within a couple of minutes all that they carried that belonged ot Mercury was sent over. Resch whipped the Delta around and they then proceeded to escort the freighter back the way it had come.

They did this for each ship in turn, a few hours of duty to get them all unloaded and back behind the outer markers. As per instructions Captain Sean Silk had remained to watch over the others, sipping champagne with strawberries and cream. Rusty was, well, being rusty, and had replicated a side of Earth beef, which he was now shredding, grunting, and salivating over somewhere behind Silk's chair.

Sean sat up better and half spun his chair to look back, seeing the carnage of raw, shredded beef. "You will clean that up, boyo."

Rusty used his gutteral, hissing tongue to reply, with a nod of yes he would.

"Good," said Silk. "I love you, brother. But, damn, we gotta work on those table manners." He cracked a smile and gave a wink, showing his Gorn friend it was a joke...sort of.

Not one to talk and eat, Rusty listened while holding a hunk of meat he had just torn free at the backstrap, using his jaws. It dripped blood and he did the best toothy smile Silk had ever seen on a Gorn. "Your people are relentless hunters, my friend. But, as aristocrats, I'm not seeing it." He gave a chuckle and spun his chair to face forward again. Looking at mangled beef carcass was not appealing while eating and drinking the finery he had chosen for himself. As the hours passed the two partners maintained their spot, just to make sure if the proverbial dung hit the fan, they would be able to assist. But, so far, none of Sean's 'friends' had been misleading. They were here to deliver, and as each ship returned Silk sent over the codes to access the bars of latinum he had promised them for their efforts, in a far off account that he would change once again after this was all over. He had his personal accounts scattered around the Galaxy, and then he had his 'pay out' accounts. Never keep the eggs in one basket, or whatever the saying was. So, sitting and watching, Captain Silk leaned back and relaxed.



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