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#22 On Qo'noS

Posted on Thu Dec 15th, 2022 @ 3:58pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Qo'noS
Timeline: current


Kehlani and Taavis had been granted an audience with Chancellor M'vek and the Klingon High Council. The most powerful Houses in the empire all in one massive chamber, surrounded by dedicated warriors who would protect them all with their lives. Matriarch Grilka was among the Houses present, her unique place in the Empire granting her more leeway among the others. As the meeting convened there was talk back and forth, with a majority of the Council wanting to know if these torpedoes and their technology would be made available to allies. Taavis had to say no, and gave various examples of Klingon technology that they had never shared with the Federation. One thing being their version of a cloaking device. Starfleet had captured or obtained Romulan cloaks over the years, but Klingon cloaks were still a mystery, overall. One could only assume the principals were the same, but at one time the Klingons had developed a ship that could fire while cloaked and was almost undetectable when hidden.

So, walking from the Great Hall, Taavis and Kehlani had to admit it was not looking well. Daxar, one of Grilka's stewards, approached them as they stood in the mid-day sun talking over what had occurred.

"Mistress Kehlani, may I approach?"

Having no need for secrecy, and seeing who it was, Kehlani gave a grunting nod of yes.

Daxar stepped in and completed the triangle of people facing each other. "I was told to give this to you." He handed Kay an encoded PADD. "Lady Grilka sends her regards and is most pleased with your service to our House. This is, as she says, a gift."

Kehlani had taken the PADD and began to tap in her clearances for House Grilka. When Daxar finished speaking, and she had opened the PADD for viewing, she then looked to the Steward. "Tell my Lady that it is an honor to serve, and that any gift received is a privilege I do not take lightly."

"Of course, Mistress," Daxar responded, giving a respectful bow from the neck. "I shall bother you no longer." He turned and walked away, heading back towards the great hall.

Taavis, having watched the entire affair, looked to her friend and Starfleet subordinate. "Anything I should know?"

Kehlani gave a knowing smile. "Come, walk with me." Being used to being her full Klingon self within the borders of the Empire, Kay's manner of speaking was both gruff and straight forward. Not intended to insult, just the way most Klingons spoke. As Taavis got in beside her and they began to walk the cobblestoned streets of First City, Kehlani allowed herself to explain. "Lady Grilka has given me the right to 'name new steel', as we Klingons refer to it."

"I am familiar with the tradition," said Taavis. "So, you are getting a new command, then?"

"I am," stated Kehlani with a fair amount of pride behind the words. "The newest class of Bird of Prey; the Kor class. Highly advanced, hardened systems, a better cloaking system, the works. There are a few minor cosmetic differences between a Kor and a K'vort but they still look very similar. A compliment of 50, like the K'vort."

The Brel class she commanded now was a scout ship, whereas the K'vort, and now the Kor class, were fast attack frigates designed for hit and run tactics. Punch the enemy with an onslaught of cannon fire and torpedoes with the opening volley, then finish them off like wounded prey. One had to hand it to the Klingons, they were experts at warfare. Even half drunk Klingon warriors were among the best in the galaxy. "So, better accomodations for the ride around the galaxy? I wonder what the new CO of Mercury will think of that."

"If it is an issue I'll resign permanently and remain as the Envoy I was assigned as by the Empire." Kehlani stated, and her tone said that she meant it. "After all I have done for both sides, it would be the least the Federation could do. As you well know, Taavis, there are things we Klingons can do that Starfleet cannot. Would I cause an incident? No. But, when push comes to shove we are the more aggressive species."

Taavis listened calmly, letting her friend vent her frustrations before she began to speak. "I know your frustration. Myself and Captain Sureth, both, have been unduly relieved from our positions over nothing. There is no evidence to show that either of us were involved with what happened to Mercury. All the ships we have in the sector and not one, NOT ONE!, detected the incoming raiders. Now, if anyone is to blame it should stand to reason that the CO's of those ships should also be called on the rug and relieved until such time as THEIR involvement is cleared. Rumors circulated quickly, and how I knew to leave when I did. And, even if we are cleared and reinstated, a good portion of personnel will still question our motives. It will undermine Mercury for the foreseeable future; their trust in us. I have a mind to just resign permanently and stay on as a business owner and free trader."

"Really?" Kehlani stopped walking to turn and face her friend directly. "That's not like you, Taavis. You normally don't give up, or give in. But, if that is how you truly feel in your heart, I may have a solution."

"And, that is," asked Taavis, eyebrow arched.

"Join House Grilka," said Kehlani, matter-of-fact. "The R'uustai ceremony is neither long, nor complicated, and within minutes you would be bonded to me as a sister, and a member of my House." R'uustai is a Klingon ritual that is considered a rite of bonding. The rite involves two individuals who would join together as brothers/sisters which allows one to enter the other's House. The ceremony itself involves candles which are lit and a sash being worn by the one entering the others House. The words "SoS jIH batlh SoH (Mother, I honor you)" are also spoken which honors the mothers of both participants as they are bonded together as one family.

Taavis cocked her head. "As honored as I am by the offer, I do not know if I am ready to be involved in all the blood feuds and other business of the family. Though, it is an intriguing idea."

Kehlani chuckled and got them walking again. "Think about it, Taavis. If they come after you, without any hard evidence, then you will have the entire House to rely on, and the Empire, since House Grilka is on the High Council. Just food for thought."

"I shall consider it," remarked Taavis. "It would give me some place secure to plant my bum should I need it."

"Keep in mind," added Kehlani. "If you are found guilty of treason, even to the Federation, House Grilka will consider that a breach of honor. Your honor reflects on the House, and traitors are executed. No mercy."

Taavis gave a nod at her friend. "I understand the implications of such a bond. I am not guilty of these allegations, and I would never sully your House if I was."

"maJ (good)." Kay responded, arriving at the main entrance to the tram system. "We have a journey to make. To the city of Krennla. The IKS Foe's Bane, awaits."

The two females boarded a tram and continued to talk about various topics on the way.



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