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Post # 23 Among Them

Posted on Mon Dec 26th, 2022 @ 9:50pm by Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Hiri materialized back up to the station along side Dr Ramvek Williams. Fesra remained on the planet to assure the prides that all was well and that no war with the legitimate was necessicary.

The legends of the old city would not be solved today.

What she didn't know was that a third person had come with them. Cloaked under a personal cloaking device of alien origin the being was among them.

Hiri had felt crowded on the padd but chucked it up as her iwn adrenaline. Entering the dark caverns seemed almost ship like rather than a cave.

The being did not follow Hiri but it did look around. While cloaked it would be able to observe who these people were and why were they here..



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