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Post # 24 " Catologue "

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 5:28pm by Brigadier General Monroe Thirman & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo)
Edited on on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 5:28pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Captain Sureth had waited long enough and he exited his personal quarters.
" Sir we have orders to follow you."
" Then do so. I am heading to engineering to talk to the Chief Engineer." Sureth replied.
" Sir you are not allowed in secure areas." replied the marine on duty.
" Fine then I will wait out in the corridor."

An attachment joined Sureth outside engineering as the Captain pushed the interior comm box.
" Commander O'Neal do you have a moment?"

"Yes Sir, I am on my way." Jessica replied through the Comm.
A moment later the the doors to Engineering and she saw the Captain. She noticed the he was escorted by two Marines.
"How can I help you Captain" she asked ignoring the Marines

Before Captain Sureth ciuld speak he discovered he was too late.


Ironically the Chief JAG officer, himself also visited engineering and the port torpedo department. Reading all of the data reports and counts of inventory General Thirman now had his answer.

Exiting engineering Thirman acted surprised to see Captain Sureth out of quarters.
" You were ordered confined to quarters Captain. It is bad enough your first officer abandoned you during your time of woe." Thirman jabbed.

" I wished to conduct an inventory check. Sir I have to do something." Sureth replied.

Jessica seen the Brigadier General Thirman and thought to herself "I don't like this guy"
"I hope you found what you were looking for. General" Jessica addressed the Thirman.

" Actually no. The inventory shows all torpedoes accounted for however the count showed 2 were missing. Can you explain this Commander O'Neil?" the General answered.

" Security catalogues weapons not engineering. That is why Taavis is searching for them. Allow me to go down and do a manual count." Sureth interrupted.

“General I am Engineer. I fix and build things needed for the job. I am Not weapon specialist, I only keep track of things of my engineering specialist.” Jessica answered to General being annoyed and little bit angry of his query.

" I gather that Commander. I was hopeful your department was much more efficient than a starship engineering department " Gen Thirman replied.

“Captain may I join you?” Jessica asked Sureth.

Jessica was about to explode by that comment from the General. “Not efficient enough what the hell is he thinking to insult my department like that” Jessica thought. She was about to respond to let her anger flow but then the Captain answered. So she swallowed her pride. “I should compose myself to not get in trouble” she thought to herself.

" Yes Commander. I am heading to security." Sureth replied.

“Captain what is going on” Jessica asked the Captain.

Sureth and Jessica entered the lift and headed to security where they were met by Major Mattox marines.

" Sir all counts of the weapons have be done. Two standard torpedoes were taken. The experimental components were not aboard." a Sergeant informed. " It would seem Dr McGregor never loaded warheads."

Sureth smiled and then composed.
" What this means Commander is that I am returning to my job. Please return to main engineering all of this was for nought. "

“Yes Captain. I will return to main engineering” Jessica. “Well this was a short trip” Jessica thought.

Sureth moved past security and sent the data tobthe JAG officers terminal. After that he headed to the OPS to take back his job.



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