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Post# 11 The Heads Up

Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 2:19pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69


After Kitten Dawson exited Captain Rivers summoned the other invitees. Arriving first was JAG Officer General Thirman.

" Captain are all assembled? I am short staffed as it is." Thirman asked

" They will be sir." Deke replied.

Shauna entered the room PADD in hand taking a seat next to Deke.

Isabelle arrived at the briefing, offering those present a polite nod as she took her seat.

When all had arrived the General again took to the podium and spoke.

" This piracy this act of terrorism has reached the ears if Earth itself. All bases are now on Yellow Alert. As the ranking Starfleet Officer in this quadrant I am forced to activated the Marine component to run security. Major Mattox will be coming up from Savai to act as the chief security." Thirman added

“With all due respect General, my father doesn’t have anything to do with this. He’s a loyal Starfleet Officer, and yet he’s being treated like a criminal.”

" Captain Sureth is being detained until we determine whether formal charges are to be filed. Because this station is of strategic importance to Starfleet this station is being allowed to continue." Thirman replied.

“Lieutenant” Shauna looked towards Isabelle. “I know your father wouldn’t have anything to do with these thefts, we will get to the bottom of this, that I promise you.”

Isabelle nodded her thanks, to say she was upset about her father being detained was an understatement.

Deke then took the podium. " An arrival of marines is expected. They will be our security detail. Major Maddox will command." Deke nodded to Maddox who waved to everyone.

" We also have a problem on Savai as the residents were also robbed by these pirates. The envoys of both are headed up to meet with us. Counselor I will need your assistance with this." Deke added.

The Doctor listened very carefully to what everyone had said as a thought began to formulate in his mind that he needed to share "General Thirman....Captain Rivers if I may offer a suggestion. With respect gentleman, as the CMO for the Base I am well aware of Star Fleet Regulations and protocols; that being said I would like to suggest enlisting Captain Sureth to help sort this situation out. He could be under direct Marine supervision so any chance of flight would be negated. Being a full blooded Vulcan, as you well know, gives him a unique perspective on things being that the General has stated that his Staff is in short supply. This would put now wasted talents to work and allow him to help prove what I believe to be his innocence" Ramvek concluded hoping he hadn't just stepped into a pile of shite.

" I will consider the advice Doctor Williams. " Thirman replied.

" Now to other business : The Nova 2 will be patrolling this three sectors we cover. LT Commander Callahan will have the Con. Lt Poole you will act as science and XO. Lieutenant Covenant will be Ops and second officer. Any questions?"

Shamarra was listening to the conversation, not sure what her role was going to be. Upon hearing she was going to be on the Nova 2 with Commander Callahan as CO and herself as XO and science officer nodded.

" Three blips have been detected on short range scanners. Investigate these blips and see if any of them lead to our pirates." Deke added.

“You heard the Captain Lieutenant” Shauna looked at Poole, then at Covenant, before looking towards Deke. “With your permission Sir we’ll head on out and start investigating.”

" Commander Callagan hang back The rest of you are free to return to duty. We still have a station to run. This is just a set back. Doctor Williams you are doing a remarkable job here. All of you are." Deke then ordered.

Shauna nodded as she relaxed back in her seat to wait for everyone else to depart.

Doctor Williams gave a nod of appreciation to Captain Rivers as he rose from his seat and headed back towards Sick Bay. After two meetings pretty much back to back Ramvek was looking forward to be going back to work.

Shamarra headed out as well, once on the bridge she walked over to the science station, brought up the sensors and angled them to the approaching blips. After careful scans it was determined that they were not the pirates but rather runabouts bringing supplies to the planet below from one of the moons. They were no threat to the station or to the planet.


Getting up from her seat Isabelle headed out into Ops, Captain Rivers had mentioned he would require her to help with the envoys.

Fesra, leader of the the Furvians strolled lionishly about the station ops sniffing. " Where is Sureth?" Fesra yowled.

“I’m afraid Captain Sureth is... currently relieved of duty.” Isabelle offered an apologetic smile. “Captain Rivers is currently in a meeting, can I be of any assistance?”

Fesra was pacing and very much upset as all could see.
" Humans stole from us. They even stole one of our young."

Isabelle was shocked. “They stole one of your children!?” She shook her head. “I’m so sorry, we’ll find them. We have to find them!”



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