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Post #002. Moving home

Posted on Tue Jul 13th, 2021 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Edited on on Tue Jul 13th, 2021 @ 7:09pm

Mission: Moving Day
Location: U.S.S. Repulse

Isabelle stood looking around the now, very bare living area of her quarters. She’d spent the last two hours packing her things for the move to her new home aboard Starbase Mercury.

The Repulse had been home for the last three years, all in all it had been a good duration with the exception of her separation from the father of her baby. Having decided he wasn’t ready to be a father Cal had left to pursue a career elsewhere and left Isabelle to cope alone. Now here she was six months later preparing to up roots and start her career anew aboard a Starbase under the command of her own father.

“Penny for your thoughts Isabelle?” A voice came from behind her.

“Heavens!” Isabelle grinned. “You frightened the life out of me Joe! I never heard you come in.”,

“Sorry! I should have knocked” he gave her an apologetic smile. “I thought maybe you could do with a hand, especially in your condition.”

“I’m not breakable you know.” Isabelle grinned. “However I could do with a break.”

Joe smiled warmly. “How’s about you accompany me home? Andrea will be only too glad to get you a nice refreshing drink and a filling meal. It’ll be her last chance to see you before you leave us.”

Isabelle nodded. “That sounds lovely Joe, but are you sure Andrea won’t mind me dropping in unannounced?”

“Don’t be silly! You’re part of the family.” He offered his arm. “May I escort you ma’am?”

“You may indeed” Isabelle grinned as she held onto her friend’s arm. “I’m going to miss all of you, you’ve all become family to me.”

“Just make sure you keep in touch okay?” Joe gave her a smile as they exited her quarters and walked along the corridor towards his.

“Ohh I will, that’s a promise! The same goes for you guys. I want to see that little one of yours when she’s born.” Isabelle smiled warmly.

“Likewise Isabelle, we want to see that son of yours too.”

“You will Joe, that I promise. Make sure you drop into Starbase Mercury sometime okay?”

“If assignments and Starfleet allow we will.” He nodded. “Depends on where we end up being assigned I’m afraid, as you know it could be anywhere.”

“In that case I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”



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