Moving Day

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Initial set up of Starbase Mercury

Start Date Tue Jun 29th, 2021 @ 11:57pm
End Date Sun Aug 8th, 2021 @ 11:57pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Post # 17 Hug a Tree
by Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Commodore Sureth & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Concurrent to Post 016 Starbase Mercury
Post # 016 The Next Generation Part 2
by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Concurrent to post 015 Starbase Mercury/Savai
Post # 15 The Next Generation Part 1
by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Concurrent Starbase Mercury
Post #014 Investigation follow up
by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Commodore Sureth
Post #013. Investigating
by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol
Hydroponics bay
Post #012 Reception part 2
by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri
Concurrent to Reception part 1 Starbase Mercury
Post #011. Curiouser and Curiouser
by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol
Directly after “Where do babies come from” Hydroponics Bay/Sickbay
Post #010. Where Do Babies Come From?
by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol
Concurrent Starbase Mercury
Post # 009. First Meeting: The Counsellor and the Scientist
by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford
Starbase Mercury
Post #008. Medical check in
by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Hiri
Post # 007 " Reception part 1 "
by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Concurrent to Day one Savai/SB Mercury
Post # 006 Another New Face
by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan
Post # 005 Reporting In
by Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Commodore Sureth
Starbase Mercury
Post #004, The Counsellor arrives
by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth
Captain’s Quarters
Post # 003 A New Home
by Lieutenant Lily Crawford
USS Babylon
Post #002. Moving home
by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas
U.S.S. Repulse
Post # 001 " Gravity of the Situation "
by Commodore Sureth
Stardate 77000.2 Sagitarrius system

Mission Summary

Starbase Mercury , also known as Starbase M-69 had been out there alone in the Sagittarius A system for a year when it's true calling was decided.

The planet Savai has enlisted to be a Federation world but many years ago the humanoid inhabitants were slaves to an empire called the Corjii.

The Corjii have returned to Savai to claim the Legitimate, as they are called , back to slavery and Starbase Mercury aka M-69 is to be the sheep dog to prevent this world from such fate.

An old Captain and new crew is all that stands between Savai falling back to slavery. But the mysteries on Savai are not all that await this crew.