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Post #013. Investigating

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2021 @ 4:00pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Hydroponics bay


Shauna arrived at the hydroponics bay, she wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. She hadn’t had a chance to review files yet so she didn’t even know what Brol looked like. “Brol are you here? I’m Commander Shauna Callaghan, the XO of the station. I need to talk to you about Isabelle.”

" My friend? Has she awoken? The peach only relaxes fleshies not harm." Brol replied.

Shauna smiled at the large tree like being. “Actually it seems to have had more of an effect than that, Isabelle’s eyes have changed colour to a rather startling yet beautiful Violet. Any other side effects have yet to show themselves.”

" Counselor is already a gifted. The fruit intensifies ones natural gifts. Do you wish for a peach also? The seeds were found and brought here." Brol replied.

“No... thank you Brol” Shauna offered a smile. “The fruit intensifies gifts? Are you saying that the fruit Isabelle ate will make her abilities stronger? Couldn’t that be harmful?”

" Knowledge is a gift from the creator. What you do with it is where the danger is discovered. I modified the fruit to have a longer time limit." Brol added.

“So any changes will progress slowly” Shauna nodded. “I haven’t had much chance to read about you Brol, tell me about you.” She smiled warmly. Something about Brol seemed to have an instant effect on any female that came within range of him.

" I am Brol but Hiri calls me Junior."

Shauna smiled, “Do you have a mother out there somewhere? Are there more of your species?”

" I am from a seed Commander. I would speak to you another way but it would overwhelm you." Brol replied.

Before her Brol showed a seed immediately sprout and become a sprout as he applied water and a blue goo.

Shauna watched with interest, “That is amazing” she smiled. “I’ve never seen anything sprout that fast before. I take it you would speak to me telepathically? I’m afraid I’m lacking in that ability unlike Isabelle.”

"Some beings are born with out. I learned common tongue to make friends with fleshies. I am not upset you ate a salad for lunch." Brol poked.

“You can tell that huh.” Shauna grinned. “I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see Isabelle at the Ambassadorial reception, I’d be careful around her though her father, Captain Sureth, May not appreciate you being around his daughter too much.”

" The Sureth trusts me. I have touched his mind. There is also a lot of anxiety that has come aboard here. Someone is very afraid." Brol replied.

“Really?” Shauna looked curiously at Brol. “If you sense who it is when we’re at the reception would you come and tell me please?”

* I will.* Brol told her telepathically.

Shauna turned back to look at Brol. “If you were testing I have had a telepath speak to me in my mind before so I’m used to the sensation.” She smiled warmly. “I’m part Trill, a species that can carry a symbiont within our bodies, it’s very similar to sharing your mind telepathically or so I’ve been told.”

" I will remember that Shauna. You are now a friend of Brol." it answered.

“I am honoured Brol” Shauna smiled and nodded respectfully. “If there’s anything you require please feel free to ask.”

" Thank you Friend Shauna I will." Brol genuflected.

“Wonderful, in that case I’ll see you at the reception” Shauna nodded and headed on her way. She needed to report to Sureth.



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