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Post #014 Investigation follow up

Posted on Sat Jul 24th, 2021 @ 6:14pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Ops


Returning to Ops after speaking with Brol, Shauna walked across to Sureth. “Captain, I’ve spoken with Brol regarding what happened with Counsellor Veran. I don’t believe Brol intended what happened to Isabelle, he assures me that the fruit Isabelle ate won’t harm her.”

" Oh? Why would it have created such a fruit?" Sureth replied

“The fruit was one genetically modified by Brol, any side effects it may have will occur gradually according to Brol.” Shauna offered a brief smile. “I know it’s a worry Sir, Isabelle is your daughter and she’s carrying your grandchild. It’s not like we can do anything about it now anyway.”

" Number One you have another duty. Along with Hiri you will also need to guide Brol to etiquette with us." Sureth added.

Shauna nodded. “That I can do Sir” she smiled warmly. “Oh Brol told me that he’s sensing someone on this station whose extremely afraid. What of we don’t know, but that doesn’t sound good to me.”

" Fascinating. The reception will be very busy I have asked Master Sergeant Dallas to double security. Both Savai leaders will be here and Brol. We will be very busy indeed." Sureth replied .

“If it helps I’ve asked Brol to let me know if he picks up on the person in question.” Shauna smiled. “Brol’s abilities may come in useful.”

" You are a keen officer Ms Callaghan ." Sureth commented.

“Thank you Sir” Shauna smiled. “I do my upmost to please. My career is important to me.”

" Why did you accept Starbase Mercury for assignment Commander?" Sureth asked inquisitively.

“Why?” Shauna looked at Sureth curiously. “This is my first assignment as Executive Officer, up until now I’ve mostly been aboard Starships. I decided it was time for a change, a space station is a change and the promotion to XO helped with the decision” She grinned.

" Well you are my polar opposite for sure. I have to prepare for later so if you need me call." Sureth reacted.

“Of course Sir” Sheena nodded.

" The banquet is 1900 hours. I will see you then." Sureth replied as he entered his ready room.”



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