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Post # 007 " Reception part 1 "

Posted on Fri Jul 16th, 2021 @ 3:48pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Edited on on Tue Feb 1st, 2022 @ 6:52pm

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Savai/SB Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent to Day one


Captain's Log Star date : 77005.6

The Starbase Mercury has successfully parked orbit above the planet Savai in the Triome system. Our primary mission is to establish a dialogue with the humanoid and feline residents and prepare them for acceptance into the Federation. This will not be easy as several variables will need to be manuvered to accomplish this. But as a new crew slowly joins us here I am sure we will accomplish this trek.

Log Concluded.

< Savai >

Kodos patiently waited in the shuttle for his Furvian counterpart to arrive. Thus far Sergeant Dallas had yet to see any Furs and Doctor Hiri the Caitian herself was not having much luck.

" We should leave with out her. Fesra us probably hunting something ." Kodos grumbled.

" We havve orrrders to waittt. So we wait." Hiri replied.

Then up ahead Fesra appeared and with a small creature in her mouth.

" See she brought her food " Kodis joked.

Fesra dropped the mouthful and it was a smaller version of herself.
" Now go home." Fesra told the kitten.
' But Mother I want to go tooo."
" Nooo!" she roared.

Running to catch the shuttle Fesra entered, sniffed and then sat down opposite of Dallas and Kuroth. Joined them by Hiri slowly.

" I am Medical Officerr Hiri. Welcome. Pilot we can leave now."

The shuttle lifted off and headed straight up to Starbase Mercury.

" I have never left my home," Fesra panted.

" It will be allrighttt " soothed Hiri handing her some bladed grass to sooth her nerves.

A few minutes later the great base M-69 appeared and they found themselves entering its insides.

Greeted on the hanger deck stood Captain Sureth dressed in full dress uniform.

" Welcome to Starbase Mercury...I am your host Captain Sureth."

Fesra exited cautiously and Kuroth followed as Sureth led them to the dining hall.



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