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Post #008. Medical check in

Posted on Tue Jul 20th, 2021 @ 6:46pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Hiri

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Sickbay


Making her way from her father’s quarters Isabelle had one more stop to make before she headed to check out Ops. Walking to Sickbay she stepped inside uncertain whether the station had much in the way of a medical compliment as yet. “Anyone home?”

The precarious feline female exited an office and headed to the humanoids side . Scanning with her tricorder the woman before ever addressing her.

" Helloooo I am Hiri acting chief of medicine. " she yowled intently. " You are the Captain's daughter. You have similar smells. Please come to the table and let us see the baby." Hiri smiled.

Isabelle smiled warmly as she walked over to the nearest biobed. “It’s nice to meet you Hiri, I’m Isabelle Veran and you’re quite correct Sureth is my father.”

Scans and more scans were ran and then Hiri purred before speaking..

" Where is the father?"

“Cal is... well he decided he wasn’t ready to be a father.” Isabelle sighed. “It’s just me and my little princess here.” She smiled warmly. “Is everything alright?”

Hiri purred on and adjusted some readings on the bed to show her a 4 D visual.

" Behold your baby ," Hiri presented.

Isabelle looked at the image with tears in her eyes. “She’s so beautiful... she even has pointed ears! I wasn’t sure if she would given that she’s a mix of Vulcan, Betazoid and Human.” She wiped her eyes as she marvelled at the image. “I’d love a data crystal with that on if I can please?”

" I will make you one, excuse me." Hiri replied as she stepped away.

The door swished open as Sureth entered the room from the other side

" Is that a Vulcan baby I see? Fascinating! I am glad I happened by at this moment. " said Sureth.

T’Mari smiled. “Come on over and see your granddaughter.”

Sureth complied and watched the screen for more than a minute looking at Isabella only once

Hiri returned with the crystal and handed it to Isabella then turned to Sureth .

" How can I help you Captain?"

" A freighter is on approach to this station. They said they were attacked two parsecs away by the giant spiders encountered by the Amandora. They are to stay quarantined on the freighter until all hazards have been eliminated doctor." Sureth ordered.

" Yes sir Captain Sureth." Hiri replied with perfect pitch as the new universal translator was working wonderfully.

“Thank you for the crystal Hiri, if everything is good am I free to go?”

" Yes you may."

Sureth helped Isabella down and walked with her out the door.

" I'm sorry to intrude. However the freighter crew were almost killed. That spider species are very dangerous " Sureth replied.

“So I’ve heard” Isabelle nodded. “I’m actually curious about Brol. I’ve heard he? she? it? Is a living tree, I’m curious to say the least!”

" The Brol is very unique. I have made it a member of the star base crew. By all means check it out . It was a sprouted being that flourished fast. Dr Hiri raised it. It appears to speak telepathically but using advanced translator devices we are now able to communicate with it as well." Sureth replied

“Sounds fascinating” Isabelle smiled at her father. “I’ll make a point of dropping in to visit.”

" You do that daughter. But be careful...the Brol are fascinated by females " Sureth warned.

“Surely Brol isn’t dangerous?” Isabelle looked at her father curiously.

"Isabelle dangerous lurks in all of us. We must always be on guard. " Sureth saged her.

“I will be careful father, that I promise you!” She offered a warm smile. “I have a baby to protect.”

Sureth then said something no other Vulcan might have ever said aloud.

" And you are and ever shall be my baby."

Isabelle turned to look at her father with a big smile. “And you are, and ever shall be, my father!” She nodded respectfully and smiled warmly, she was looking forward to serving with her father.



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