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Post # 006 Another New Face

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2021 @ 11:29pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Ops


Shauna hadn’t long stepped off the transporter PADD, having found and dropped her hand luggage in her quarters she made her way directly to Ops to officially report in for duty. Stepping out into the Operational centre of the whole station she was pleased to see it was in functioning order though obviously currently understaffed.

" Lieutenant Commander Callaghan welcome to Starbase Mercury. I am Captain Sureth. I am pleased you have joined us." the Vulcan seemed to almost smile in his greeting.

“Thank you Captain” Shauna smiled warmly. “I’m looking forward to working with you Sir. Starfleet has seen fit to assign me as both your Second Officer and Chief Diplomatic Officer. I will endeavour to serve you well in both my roles.”

" Diplomacy is key in this sense. We have to negotiate with the Furs and the Legitimate people's. We will ultimately meet the Corjii. My daughter is the ships Counselor and will also be helpful as she is half Betazoid and very empathic." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “I’ll look forward to meeting her Sir. I’ll admit I’m more used to being onboard Starships than Starbase but I’m always up for a challenge.”

" I have petitioned for the science vessel USS Bohr to remain with us as an exploratory ship. You will not lose your space legs Lieutenant. There is also a state dinner tonight to host the Savai Ambassador. Do be on hand for that as well." Sureth urged.

“Of course Captain” Shauna smiled warmly, “I’ll be happy to be there.”

" Do you have any questions for me?" Sureth asked.

“Yes Captain, I understand that the station has only just become operational. Do we have many crew as yet? Any enroute?”

Sureth paused.

" The Admiralty stepped down and a new mission was assigned for this base. Given our remoteness this base is very well designed for the harshness of these inner core systems. The Savaiians deserve a chance to join the Federation and I will help them achieve it. As for crew we expect others eventually. For now it is thee and me." Sureth twinkled.

Shauna grinned. “So for the time being I’ll be filling in as Executive Officer instead of Second Officer.” She nodded. “I will endeavour to do you proud Sir.”

" That is agreeable. I have never liked the phrase Number Two... As Diplomatic officer though please see to the dinner. The replicator does not have any of the Savaiians meal plans and we have to feed them something. Also the Ambassador says the Furs also may send a representative."

Shauna nodded. “I will endeavour to learn more about our confirmed and possible guests. Hopefully we’ll have some information on the types of food they prefer. Though I would have preferred to have a longer timeframe in which to procure supplies. I will do my upmost though.”

" If they eat kale we can make that." Sureth seemed to joke.

Shauna grinned. “If they’re vegetarians it’ll make things oh so much easier!”

" I doubt the Furs are but you never know in this universe. I will see you at the party Commander." Sureth nodded.

Shauna nodded. “I’ll there Sir.”

Captain Sureth was not unhappy with the mornings events and hoped the evening would be just as productive



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