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Post # 005 Reporting In

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2021 @ 6:47pm by Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Starbase Mercury


Lt Lily Crawford had seen the schematics and taken in the deck levels. She possessed an intellectual understanding of how big the starbase was, but it was not enough to prepare her for standing on it in person and actually seeing it. And she had thought the Artemis was big! The ship had never felt small, but somehow, she knew that any time she stepped foot on a ship again, it would feel a little smaller. If an Odyssey class starship was a town, this was a small city. A rather empty small city, granted, but that wouldn't last.

Lily did the necessary check in with security, dropped her things in her quarters, and went to find the Captain.

< Command Center >

The Artemis class base command center was phenomenal as the upgrades made it 25th quality.

Sureth hovered over the science station as he had so many times on the Bohr, even as the Captain.

As folks were coming and going Sureth did not notice Lily's arrival particularly.

"Captain Sureth?" Lily asked, stepping toward him. She noticed as she did that he was standing at the science station, and she couldn't help but give a small grin. "I'm Lt. Crawford sir, reporting for duty."

" Crawford you are late. Non the less you are here and we are in need of a Chief Science Officer." Sureth replied.

"Take my lateness up with the captain of the Babylon. I had no control over when we arrived." Lily said, somewhat taken aback by his abruptness. It was not a trait she had seen in the Vulcans she had worked with. "But you are correct, I am here, and I am ready to take up my position. Is there anything I need to be aware of happening imminently?"

" System and scanners will need updates. First Welcome to the Starbase. I am honored you accepted my invitation to join us. Your role is very important as we catalogue this new world and it's features. There is also the black hole that we encountered on our way here. I will be sending a probe to investigate that once we are fully functional." Sureth replied.

"Thank you Captain. It's an honor to be chosen." Lily replied crisply. "The probe will need special programming to make sure it doesn't go past the event horizon without sending its data back. I know how to do that. As for the system and scanners, I'm also happy to take care of that. I understand that this class of station has been in use for a fairly long time now. Has this particular one been moved from somewhere else, pulled from proverbial mothballs, or a rare new build?"

" An old refit, not unlike myself. M-69 was it's old handle. I want you to over see the probe once it is ready. The planet Savai data is also premier to our purpose here. They have petitioned the Federation for citizenship. But apparently they were once a slaves people to a race called the Corjii. There may be Corjii relics in that world in the old city as they call it. I will leave this station with you Ms Crawford." Sureth replied.

"Yes sir. Thank you. Are there currently any other scientists aboard?" Lily asked. It felt strange to be called Ms, when most people called her Doctor or Lieutenant, but she wasn't going to complain. She was going to take this new assignment on whatever terms it dealt her.

" Just myself, 20 years chief of science USS Bohr. Ten Years Captain. But you are the Chief of Science for this station Lieutenant Crawford." Sureth answered.

She should have guessed that they would chose a former scientist to head a station that would need a lot of science work done in the vicinity. "Then I'll start putting together a plan for a scientific survey of the planet. Biology and archaeology may be of particular interest there." she replied. "Very well. I look forward to working with you, Captain Sureth."

Sureth bowed and then headed to operations to check in with that officer.



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