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Post #004, The Counsellor arrives

Posted on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Captain’s Quarters


Having arrived late the previous evening, Isabelle had checked in with security and headed straight to her quarters for a good night’s rest. Now it was morning she headed out to see her new CO, who just happened to be her own father. As it was early she decided to try dropping by Sureth’s Quarters first, arriving at the door she pressed the chime and waited.

Sureth had been up all night receiving staffs and crews that had joined the Armada. The Xfinity and Bohr both now docked on either side of the Aurora class station but smaller cruisers entered the station.

" Please enter." the senior Vulcan Captain replied from the other side of the door.

Isabelle walked inside her father’s quarters, offering a warm smile as she approached where he was sitting. “Lieutenant Isabelle Veran reporting for duty Captain” she placed her transfer orders on his desk. “It’s good to see you father.”

" And also to you daughter. I trust your ride was uneventful?" Sureth said as he focused on a painting he was doing for a few minutes. A hobby he had started from his time on Betazed.

“It was very uneventful father” Isabelle smiled wondering what her father would say when he noticed she was pregnant.

" Are you alone? " Sureth asked with a slight tone. " The last I heard you were involved with that....Cal person?"

Isabelle raised an eyebrow in curious Vulcan style. “Have you been keeping track of me father?... actually Cal and I, we aren’t together anymore.”

" Very sad his message seemed as if you were. By the way he sends his love for you and ... this is where you finish that sentence Isabelle." Sureth replied.

Isabelle suddenly realised what it was her father was alluding to. “Our son...” she paused. “How long have you known father?”

" You just clarified what Cal almost told me. So what do you think of my self portrait?" Sureth asked eluding to his painting of himself

“You painted yourself?” Isabelle walked across to the picture and took a look. “It’s very good. If you wanted verification that I was pregnant all you had to do was look at me.” She offered a smile. “A six month bump is pretty hard to miss!”

" I viewed you exiting the ship. " Sureth said as he put his paint brush down and then cleansed his hands with hand gel. Sureth then placed his right hand on her stomach and paused.

" Fascinating!" Sureth replied with a raised eye brow .

Isabelle grinned as she felt both a kick and a connection between her son and his grandfather. “He’s strong both of spirit and mind.

" There are not a lot of Counseling duties at this time. I will need you to use your operations skills also until the chief ops officer arrives. Is that doable for you?" Sureth added.

Isabelle nodded. “I can do that. I won’t be able to crawl around Jeffries tubes obviously, but I should be able to get Ops running and this station fully online.”

" Agreed. Welcome to your new home daughter. It is agreeable to have you with me. " Sureth then replied

“It is agreeable to be here with you too father” Isabelle smiled warmly. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

" Have you recently learned to cook? Your mother always preferred her attendant to prepare the evening meals. We will dine together. Tomorrow I host the Savai Legitimate Ambassador to this station...Kuroth . I will need you there as well daughter in the capacity of Counselor." Sureth replied.

“That was mother” Isabelle grinned. “I know how to cook but I do tend to replicate some dishes just to save time. As for the Ambassador I will be honoured to be there.”

" Good. Now I have to make rounds at ops. A skeleton crew avails for many problems and with the Bohr's chief engineer busy making repairs there I am quite busy. I will see you at 1900 hours." Sureth said as he took off his painters smock . Touching her shoulder, his sign if affection, Sureth exited the room.

Isabelle smiled to herself, as she’d learned over the years her father showed his affection that way. Following him out of his quarters she headed for Ops, it was time to see what awaited her there.



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