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Post #010. Where Do Babies Come From?

Posted on Wed Jul 21st, 2021 @ 2:22pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Hiri & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


< Botany Lab >

The Brol being resided amongst the transplanted brings collected from all over the known Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Not unlike a human child in a candy store this being felt like a god to the lesser fauna.

But Brol was Brol and always greeted the carbon based life beings with respect as Hiri had raised it to do.

Isabelle had made her way to the Botany Lab to meet Brol, to say she was curious about their crewmate was an understatement. As she reached the lab she walked inside and offered a polite smile. “Hi I Hope I’m not intruding, I’m Isabelle Veran ships Counsellor, I thought I’d come and introduce myself.”

Brol blinked and moved towards the Counselor. "You are the Counselor? Like the Amethyst? Even with child?" the Brol declared.

Isabelle smiled warmly. “That’s correct, I was curious about you so I thought I’d introduce myself. May I ask who Amethyst is?”

" The one with the voice. Our friend, our mother." Brol replied

“Your mother?” Isabelle looked at Brol curiously but decided not to pry in private matters. “This lab is beautiful, so many gorgeous plants!” She wondered amongst the plants that were growing there, stopping to study them and look them over. “I love plants, gardening is a hobby of mine, at least it was when I wasn’t aboard ships! Maybe now I’m on a station I can start growing plants again.”

" Gardening is my life....we are one. Do you wish to be one with us?" Brol asked. It was interrupted when Hiri entered.

"No Brol...we discussed this. " Hiri growled when then sent Brol cringing back to its safe space .

In the meantime Isabelle had found a tree with fruit that looked very much like peaches. She couldn’t resist trying one of them, finding it pleasantly sweet and very much like a peach even though it wasn’t a peach. She had watched from amongst the plants as Brol retreated, “What? Why?” She walked towards Hiri looking confused about why Brol had retreated so fast. “Is there something wrong?”

" Brol is going through a sort of plant puberty. Stay 10 feet from it and you will be ok. Did it speak to you telepathically? You are half Betazoid and it might be curious as it was born of a female.

“Ahh I see” Isabelle nodded. “He spoke to me vocally, we had no telepathic contact.”

Then Hiri did a seconds step of protection for Isabelle as she turned on an installed device located on the wall. "This is a phrenic scrambler. It limits Brol's telepatic screen to 10, 20 or 30 feet." Hiri added.

“Is he really that dangerous? He doesn’t look it.” Isabelle couldn’t help but feel sorry for Brol.

" The Brol is mystical . It is very inquisitive so much so it learns everyday. It grew this entire bay in a week using solar and hydroponics. The arachnids attacked it's world and they ventured out in search of a new home. For all we know this could be the last Brol out there." Hiri replied .

“Then Brol must be protected, not shunned or feared.” Isabelle looked at Hiri. “Brol did all this... beauty! In that shirt pace of time. Just imagine how many worlds Brol could save!”

" The Captain hopes Brol will help the Savai terraform that world." Hiri replied

“That would be wonderful” Isabelle smiled. “Looking around here I think Brol is just the right person for the job. Anyway I guess I should be going, carrying all this weight around is pretty draining.”

Brol recoiled and smiled if a Brol can smile as it resumed some of its duties. But then it paused and looked directly at Isabelle.

" Have a restful sleep " it told her.

“I will, thank you Brol” Isabelle smiled warmly.

" Brol will work all night. You should get some rest Counselor.”

“Thank you Brol, I will” Isabelle smiled, she liked Brol he/she was a curious and unique being.



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