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Post #011. Curiouser and Curiouser

Posted on Thu Jul 22nd, 2021 @ 4:41pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Mission: Moving Day
Location: Hydroponics Bay/Sickbay
Timeline: Directly after “Where do babies come from”


The day had been a long one Isabelle had retired to her quarters earlier than usual to rest prior to evening dinner with her father, being six months pregnant took its toll on the body. Sitting on her bed she hadn’t been sat long before she dozed off.

~ A while later ~

Isabelle awoke to find herself still dressed, cursing herself for falling asleep in her clothing she was about to change for dinner when she heard a voice.

" Counselor? " the little voice of the Brol called to her.

Isabelle heard the voice. “Hello?” At first She couldn’t make it out until she suddenly realised and used her telepathy. << Brol? Is that you? >> something was telling her she needed to go to the hydroponics bay.

~ Hydroponics Bay ~

When she arrived at the hydroponics bay Isabelle entered. “Brol? Did you call me?”

* I did. You are my friend and I am yours.* Brol said telepathically.

Isabelle smiled. “I have to admit I am curious about you, Hiri told me that you made all of this in record time.” She motioned to the flora and fauna around them. “I love plants, I always have and the fruit you have here...” She motioned to the tree she’d taken a fruit from earlier. “I hope you don’t mind but I ate one of the fruit from your tree earlier, is it a peach? It certainly looks like one.”

" Referring...prunis persica. It is a derivative of that Terran fruit. The seeds were adaptable to Brol pollination. You may experience side effects Counselor," Brol told her in common tongue from the translator. " You are also adaptable Counselor ."

“Side effects?” Isabelle looked at Brol concernedly. “What kind of side effects?”

" With fleshies it is unknown. You are with spore and it may make you Moody, hungry, sporadic... " chuckled Brol.

“What!” Isabelle looked suitably horrified and scared. What had she done to herself? “Brol forgive me but I...” She paused feeling dizzy. “I...” She didn’t say anything else as she collapsed unconscious on the deck.

Brol moved closer and extended a vine out if no where giving her an external rub.

" Wake up." it added as it also administered a small floral smell to her histomine.

Isabelle started to slowly stir as the Hydroponics bay doors opened...

Suddenly bursting in though the door was Sureth as Brol recoiled back to its lab site.

" What happened?" Sureth yelled as he bent down.
" She ate of the peach tree. It has a relaxing effect " Brol replied .

Scooping her up he rushed her to sickbay through the corridors.

< Sickbay >

Sureth rushed past crew and laid Isabella in a bio bed in front of Hiri.

She quickly scanned Isabella and then looked to Sureth with compassion.

" She is going to be ok."

Isabelle opened her eyes and gazed at her father and Hiri. “Father? Doctor?” She looked confused before remembering what had happened. “That’ll teach me to eat fruit from one of Brol’s trees!” As she gazed at them her eyes slowly changed colour right in front of them, taking on a startlingly beautiful Violet hue.

Walking into Sickbay Shauna made her way across to Sureth. “Captain, I heard you’d brought Counsellor Veran here. I hope everything is alright?”

" Inconclusive. Doctor Hiri says she will recover but this is not her normal appearance." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded. “I’ll investigate what happened Sir, I believe you brought the Counsellor from the hydroponics bay?”

" Yes. Brol has been contained and I would like to have a look in there but we are pressed for time with this reception." said Sureth.

“I’ll head there now Sir, see what Brol has to say.” Sheena smiled warmly. “I’ll keep you appraised.”

" Very good Number One." Sureth replied as he felt confident in her abilities.

Shauna nodded and headed off to speak with Brol.

“Am I free to carry on with my duties?” Isabelle looked between her father and Hiri. “Unless of course you’d like me to stay for observation?” She was quietly hoping not.

" Not just yet . Perhaps in a few hours." Hiri replied as she gleemed over at Sureth.

" Stay put little one...I mean Isabella." Sureth replied as he exited the room

“Yes Sir” Isabelle looked at Hiri. “I always hated him calling me Isabella but funnily enough I don’t mind so much anymore. I guess I missed him more than I realised.”

" He reminds me of my father too."

Isabelle smiled warmly. “I guess I’d best settle in for now.” She walked back to the biobed she’d been using and sat up on it before lying down on her side. “At least I have an excuse if I fall asleep besides being six months pregnant.” She grinned.

" I will awake you later." Hiri promised.

Isabelle nodded “Thank you Hiri.” With that she closed her eyes, hoping she didn’t wake up with any other physical changes.



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