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Post # 31 The new guy arrived

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 1:15am by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: (when and where appropriate)


David's transport had arrived in the middle of the night with little fanfare, he was still tired but had to check in with the commander before getting too work. He'd never had a Vulcan commander, and was hoping that the experience would be positive and maybe educational. David had spent the few minutes putting on a clean uniform before meeting with the Captain, he'd not gone with the semi-formal uniform that was more common at Starfleet headquarters. He grabbed a blank pad from the desk and made his way too the turbolift cluster near his quarters. it seemed oddly quiet for the time of day, but then again he was still mostly on earth time and maybe the routine aboard the station was massively different.

The lift arrived with little more than a hiss and some electronic noises, David stepped in. in his mind he was going over possible questions the captain would have, and he was weighing the one that was lingering, his father. David had never actually met Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace, there were various stories from his mother and from some of her starfleet friends they had told him and the few stories he'd heard from his time in the academy, most of them painted his father as a maverick bordering on a renegade who had saved the day on a few select occasions. David wanted nothing too do with that, he hoped.

The lift slowed and stopped at the stations operations center and the doors hissed open. He stepped on to the deck and looked around, there was what he assumed were the normal number of crew working the various stations and what appeared too be a watch officer standing near the flight control stations who gave him a suspicious stare followed by a gesture pointing at the doors too the command office. David just nodded and started walking too the door, he pressed the button for the door chime.

Sureth had only been back on duty a few hours when he received word of new staff arrivals. Summoning them to come to his office he greeted David Wallace.

" Welcome to the Mercury David Wallace." Sureth greeted.

"Thank you sir, it's a pleasure to be here." David said.

" Your arrival could have been sooner but non the less I am glad you are here. We clearly have a pirate problem in this system. " Sureth added.

David shifted slightly "I did have a chance too read several of the reports, its definitely a concern."

" David I apologize for the mix up in orders. Are tou Star Fleet or Marine Intelligence?" Sureth asked.

"Star Fleet intelligence, I spent a mixture of time between field duty and archival studies." David said hoping the next question wouldn't be about his father.

" Your work on the Watergate is notable. We are fortunate to have you. Aside from my request for an Intelligence officer what inspired you to come to the Mercury?" Sureth asked.

David shifted again, "A starbase assignment doesn't always become available so I took advantage of the opportunity and with the Watergate being decommissioned I wasn't looking to go back on a deep space assignment."

" And yet you came here. Savai is still unexplored and we are receiving new ships everyday. For now we are scrutinizing but that is becoming a task for security." Sureth replied.

"This was a meaningful compromise." David said.

" I expect my XO in charge of security back soon. Once she returns please get with Commander Taavis as well." Sureth added.

"I'll add it too my schedule, before I forget Vice Admiral Clancy is retiring in a few weeks they haven't announced his replacement, so if we need too coordinate any intelligence matters it might have too go through Commodore Salir on the USS Charlottetown." David said expecting too be dismissed.

" Clancy is retiring? I would love to host that party on the Mercury. Put out the invitation to Salir. Perhaps by then our security problems will be neutralized. We are remote but big enough to host a retirement." Sureth replied.

"I'll check in to it sir, I know that the Charlottetown is going to be near this system in about ten days, before they return to Earth for the change over, But I believe Admiral Clancy has already returned too Earth." David said switching too the what he thought will be the last topic "I noticed that USS Crowchild is scheduled to be here next month, I was hoping to be off station during their time here."

" That is unfortunate. Do you have a problem with the Crowchild?" Sureth replied.

David decided to be vague "It's a personal matter between one of her crew and I."

" If you are requesting personal time I will grant it. Is this personal matter family related?" Sureth asked.

David tried to avoid it but it was time too put that card on the table "The Charlottetown is commanded by my estranged father, Commadore Jarred Wallace, we don't exactly have any form of relationship and I'd like too keep it that way."

" I see. I too was eatranged from my daughter Lt Isabella Veran. She now serves here as our Chief Counselor. Perhaps you should talk to her. A fresh perspective often helps. Then let me know and you can over see something on the Nova 2 when it arrives. If there is nothing else Lieutenant get settled and welcome aboard." Sureth replied.

"Thank you sir, I'll keep that in mind as well." David said waiting too be dismissed..

" Speaking of daughters. I have a grandson to go see. Dismissed Lieutenant." Sureth replied.



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