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Post # 30 "Good News"

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2023 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.
Edited on on Fri Jan 6th, 2023 @ 7:18pm

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Main Sickbay}

Lieutenant Williams walked into Sick Bay Proper seeing everyone busy performing their various duties. Williams went around with his usual "good mornings" as he walked up to Lieutenant Johnson "Good morning Lieutenant; you have a moment to talk.

Johnson looked up "Morning Doc....sure what's on your mind" he queried.

"How's Labno doing with his training" Ramvek queried.

"He's doing really well....he's focused and hard working. Matter of fact I've even given him a chance to diagnose minor injuries and he did quite well" Johnson replied with a smile.

"That's great to do you think he's ready for application to the Academy" Ramvek queried being interested in the answer.

Without hesitation "Yes and I think he'll be very successful in his studies.....this boy is really hungry for knowledge" he stated.

"I was thinking about having Labno make out his application to the Academy.....I think he has a good chance of being accepted if he can pass the entrance exams" Ramvek explained.

Johnson thought for a minute "I guess that's the sticking point" he replied then paused for a moment "I'd be more than happy to work with Labno getting him ready for the exams. He's been 'my little buddy' for these past weeks and I would like to help him get ready.

Ramvek smiled "I think that's a stellar idea and he seems to be comfortable around you. When would you want to work with him?"

"Actually let's keep him going during his shifts and if he's agreeable we can work after hours; it's not like I have much going on anyways" Johnson answered with a grin.

"As long as you're willing to do that then I think that's the better option, logically speaking" Ramvek answered just as Labno walked into Sick Bay.

Turning Ramvek smiled "Good morning and I along with the Lieutenant need to have a talk in my Office" Williams stated as the three left for the office. Once inside Williams explained to Labno what they had been discussing in detail and was waiting for a reaction from the boy.

Labno's eyes were wide open as he looked first at the Doc then at his mentor "Wow that would be great....I mean that's what I've been working so hard for" then looking at Johnson "Thank you Sir for willing to work with me to get ready for the exams" Labno stated be very sincere.

Johnson grinned "Now get all mushy on me kid" trying to lighten the moment "Besides it isn't like I have a life when I'm off duty anyway" as he chuckled.

Johnson returned to the floor as Labno and the Doctor spent the next couple of hours making out his application papers making sure all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed "Ok all set and I'll transmit it to the Academy soon. I'll take a week or so to hear back so until then you'll return to your normal duties here in Sick Bay" he explained "Your free to go."

Labno got up and started to leave when he turned "Thank you Doctor Williams so much for believing in me; I won't let you down Sir."

Ramvek smiled "You better not kid, my reputation is on the line" he stated "Now get back to work" as Labno smiled and left the Office.

Williams sat back in his chair and thought "Good lad....I'm sure he'll do well in his life" then Williams set to writing up a glowing recommendation for his trainee. When done the entire documents were sent to Star Fleet Academy with Doctor William's name attached.


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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