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Post 29 " A New Life "

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2023 @ 2:36pm by Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Brol was leaving but first a goodbye had to be given to Isabella.

Isabelle was feeling sad at the thought of Brol leaving the station, though she was happy he and Raven were together. She’d come close to being Brol herself, but not any longer except for being more green fingered than she used to be.

“I’m going to miss you Brol” Isabelle gently hugged her large tree like friend. “I’ll miss both of you.”

" It is time to begin a new life. You will always be my friend." Brol replied.

“As you will be mine” Isabelle smiled warmly as she stepped back a little. “I’ll never forget my time as Brol, I might not turn green anymore but I do seem to have a way with plants that I never had before. All thanks to you.”

(((( As long as you live you are Brol ))) Brol replied.

Isabelle nodded. ((( Always my friend )))


Brol and Raven boarded the shuttle heading down to Savai as they planned to move below. The district east of Legitamate was pride kands and beyond that the old city.

Brol and Raven planned to go there but first a trip to McGregors lab first.


Beaming down to the sadistic lab of McGregor Brol spied the very data it needed. Uploading it to the padd the two then set out for the forbidden lands.



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