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#28 The Final Destination PT. 1

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 11:13am by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Syndicate Colony
Timeline: current


Standing within the confines of Kehlani's Ready Room aboard her new Kor class Bird of Prey, FOE'S BANE, she and Kehlani were both in EVA suits made for orbital jumps, Klingon designed, but still used for such actions. A trail of battered and bloody people was left behind as both women had done what was necessary to wrest information from certain criminals across the quadrant, leading them to this shithole of a colony where the torpedoes that had been stolen allegedly ended up.

Both women stood together looking at the monitor over at Kehlani's library files computer station. Taavis was impressed. Klingon captains were obviously treated near to royalty as she observed all that Kehlani had access to. It was not lost on the Vulcan that Kehlani was also a hero to her people as she had saved the Ambassador to Earth and the Federation president some years ago, just for being at the right place at the right time. That single circumstance had elevated her status, and had garnered her induction into the Order of the Mekleth. That was Bronze Star level if it had been a Starfleet medal. Kehlani the Unstoppable was what she was being called by the young bekks at the Academy, looking to become warriors and shed blood for their people. And yet, Kehlani had taken it upon herself to join Starfleet and learn their ways with a year long crash course in regulations. As an engineer it was easy for her to understand and deal with Federation tech. Foe's Bane was cloaked while in orbit, since the ladies were going to jump from the aft hatch and free fall through the atmosphere to the planet below, access the dome and get inside to deal with the Orion Syndicate and their pirate allies. And, more importantly, get the torpedoes back.

The females moved to the aft section of the ship and the hatch there for exiting. Each of them had a pack on their back filled with minimum gear and their regular clothing. The parachutes would pop out from their own casing, and return within with the touch of a button, but the equipment packs would not hinder that. Placing their helmets on their heads, then checking each other for anything missed, they turned towards the door. "Behlana, we are in position. Move the ship with nose to stars and aft to planet. We will open the airlock and let physics thrust us into space."

"Of course, HoD," Behlana responded, having been elevated to Kehlani's First Officer as well as being her Science Officer. After a few minutes her voice came back through their helmets. "We are in position."

While they had waited both Taavis and Kehlani had closed the inner hatch and put their backs against the door, facing the outer door. They both took in breaths even and steady, knowing that once the hatch opened they would be flung into space like a cannon shot, heading directly for the planet below. The reason for the orbital jump was that the Syndicate held sway over this independent world, and all transporter activity was monitored by them to keep stragglers and enemies out of their territory unless permission was given to operate and conduct business. Their sensor grid was below standard since this colony was not a high priority, and the focus of the grid was to stave off transporters and unknown ships from landing. They would never suspect an orbital jump by two lone infiltrators.

Neither of them said anything as they entered the stratosphere, the wind starting to howl passed and around them. Once the initial break into the atmosphere was made, their bodies feeling the initial pressure against them and both women grimacing as they passed through the strat and into the standard atmo. This colony planet had a thin oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere which required breather masks outside the dome, and that was what they were counting on. No one in the colony would suspect a ground campaign of any kind with the atmosphere being a natural defense. With a thin atmosphere came another obstacle, it would be colder than most worlds. Taavis began to think of Mars, in the Sol system, and that this world was very similar. It was a dilithium mining colony originally, and after the Syndicate moved in it became a hub for slave traders. This little excursion would kill two targs with one shot, as Kehlani would put it.

Over in her own world Kehlani was happy as could be. This was what it meant to be a warrior of the Empire. Free falling through the atmosphere to land and destroy your enemies. This was definitely a good day to die, and die well she would if it came to that. Sto-Vo-Kor awaited, where she would see her ancestors and warriors she had fought with on many occasions, to drink with them and sing the songs of the heroic. She actually gave a laugh out loud, unable to control herself for a moment as she thought of Sto-Vo-Kor.

Taavis heard the laugh in her helmet. "Qapla'!" Was all she said, and got the same in response. Kehlani was all it meant to be Klingon. Brains, brawn, and a skill set which would carry her far in both war and politics. Unlike too many supposed warriors of the Empire, Kehlani was an avid fan of both Kahless the Unforgettable and Chancellor Gorkon. Both men had written thousands of pages on what it meant to be a true warrior, with honor and prudence foremost. Diplomacy was the balance for combat, and one cannot rule without it. Too many younger warriors were arrogant and belligerant, always ready to start a fight with those they perceived as weak. That was NOT what Kahless had written, nor was it what he wanted for the Empire. Gorkon, he had tried for peace after Praxis exploded, wanting to maintain Klingon strength but realizing that without outside support then the homeworld was doomed, and therefore, the Empire as a whole. Of course, that had cost him his life when dishonorable Klingons worked with dishonorable Starfleet personnel to keep them at odds as governments. Section 31 had been waist deep in that fiasco.

All that thinking had made the time pass without notice, and Taavis could see the ground fast approaching. Kehlani had suggested that they land ten kilometers outside the city, in an abandoned mine that had been left as the crews moved on to a new one. Also, the crazy Klingon was going to pull her chute at the last possible moment, to lessen the chance of being spotted, her courage both a blessing and a curse at times. But, to show her friend and colleague that she was as committed as any Klingon, Taavis agreed to the tactic. Both females hit their chute releases and were suddenly jerked to an almost standstill, the armored suit taking the rigors of the action so their shoulders were spared. They landed at a run and tumbled to the ground even as they slapped the chute button as their feet touched down, withdrawing the parachute back into its case. They had both gone with wider chutes since the thin atmosphere prevented a slower descent, the added material aiding with that.

Kehlani stood up and helped Taavis to her feet. "Qapla'. We made it."

"That we did," Taavis responded as she got to her feet, looking off in the distance and seeing the lights of the city in the night sky. "We need to find a way inside without being seen. Changing out here might cause frostbite."

"As a Klingon I hate the cold," said Kehlani. "There has to be a conduit of some kind, for power or venting. Hopefully, if there is one or more, they are on our side of the city." She gave a chuckle. "If not then we assault the gate and hope for the best."

"Suicide is not on my agenda," Taavis retorted. Pulling her tricorder from her belt she brought it up and opened it, scanning as far as she could. She closed it down and hooked it back on her belt even as she pointed towards the city. "That way. There's a power conduit with a thermal vent."

The two women headed that way using caution and terrain to remain as out of sight as possible.


After entering the city, changed and looking like all the other beings within, Taavis and Kehlani had spent five days making subtle inquiries. At one point they separated, each going about their business in their own way to better gather Intel and be able to proceed. Their gear had been vacuum packed and compressed into the bags they had brought, so they changed into their respective garb and donned their weapons.

As a Klingon Kehlani had a d'k'tagh on her left hip and a mekleth sword on her lumbar region, held in place by an adhesion unit. All she needed to do was reach back and grasp the hilt and pull with enough force to remove it. Without the hilt being grasped it was nearly impossible for it to fall. Also, over her back, she carried the butt stock for a Klingon rifle, which could attach to her Klingon compression pistol, creating a rifle. It put the trigger on the front grip, but the added power from the stock added range and rifle power if needed. She had her hood up (first bio pic outfit) and across her chest was a metallic sash (like Worf's) with her House crest badge on it, her Order of the Mekleth badge, and several Imperial commendation pins. It was not unheard of for Klingons to peruse the slave pens, gathering servants for their Houses, and that was the role Kehlani was now playing. Where Taavis had gotten to was a mystery, the two of them naming a certain pub as the place to reconnect.

Being directed to the main slave area Kehlani approached the guard post at the entry gate. She recognized the male Orion in charge of the group, a friend and previous member of Billi's criminal clan before her decision to join Starfleet. "Rajin! Good to see you, old friend!"

Rajin had seen the Klingon approaching, immediately recognizing who it was by the simple fact that she looked completely Human. "Kehlani? Come here, woman. Give us a hug!"

Kehlani approached and gave the Orion a bear hug. He picked her up off the ground and squeezed her warmly, knowing her Klingon physiology could handle his well-muscled grappling. When her boots hit the turf again she gave him a couple of fist bumps on his upper chest near the shoulder. "So, this is where you got to? I'll have to let Billi know." The other two guards turned away from them, continuing to watch those entering and leaving the pen area.

"Don't do that," said Rajin, his eyes showing a bit of worry at the mention of his previous clan chief. He glanced at the backs of the other two, getting Kehlani to move with him a few meters further away and out of earshot. "I'm here at the behest of her mother, Henri. She has her eyes set on this place but the Cabal has began to show interest. We're trying to find out who they are and who they report to here."

"The Cabal?" Kehlani was familiar with the organization. They were a noble organization despite being criminals. They had honor and rules of engagement. But, when it came to business they were not to be taken lightly, and would do all in their power to shut down all other enterprises and take over, offering the other groups a chance to pay tribute and continue, or be wiped out. There had been occasions where the Cabal crossed the Federation and Starfleet, but when push came to shove they would work with Starfleet and the Empire for the ability to continue their own operations. In trade they would provide information and use their rather substantial merchant fleet to move product for whoever agreed to the terms. "Have they made overtures yet?"

"Not yet," said Rajin. "But, we've had some crew go missing, never to be found again." He kept glancing around nervously, trying to be subtle about it. "The power play is in motion. Matriarch Henri wants to know who they are so she can send in the full force of her own Family."

Kehlani gave a grunt. "A turf war. Tell Henri, with all due respect, that that would be a very bad idea. If the Cabal is here, and working to take control, they should not be taken lightly."

Rajin nodded in agreement. "I know, and she does too. But, she is determined to hold this place and pull it out from under the Family already here. The Syndicate is tired of losing ground to the Cabal. It is time to push back, she says."

In her thoughts Kehlani saw this as an ample opportunity. If she and Taavis caused a disturbance that they were not seen doing, then all the locals would blame the gang war for it. Convenient. "Well, that is not my business. I am here to look at your pens. Lady Grilka needs some new servants. May I?"

"Of course," said Rajin, motioning with his arm like a gentleman and aiming it at the gate. "Take your time. We have plenty to choose from."

"You have my gratitude, Rajin. I will talk with you more after I take a look." With that said Kehlani moved into the pen area, seeing the number of Orion males carrying painsticks and blades and maces of various shapes and sizes. Within certain cages were Orion females, the women to be sold to entice wealthy merchants into giving up their life savings for a dabble in Orion carnal activities. Playing the role, Kehlani continued inside.




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