#27 A Quick Meet and Greet.
Posted on Wed Jan 4th, 2023 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Sean Silk
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: current
Captain Sean Silk landed his ship Redeemer in the bay that had been designated his. Billi and Resch waited patiently until the ship settled and closed down, approaching the side where the access ramp would come down. The hatch opened and the ramp descended with Silk standing at the top of it, his ever-present Gorn muscle standing just behind his right shoulder. "Well, would you look at that, Rusty. Starfleet sent greeters." The Gorn gave a hissing laugh.
"Don't quit hauling cargo, Silk," said Billi. "You're comedy will get you nowhere." The grin on her face showed she was being cheeky.
"That was comedy?" Asked Resch, giving a shrug and feigning his own discontent.
The two privateers got down to the base deck and stepped up to them. "And here I thought Starfleet was all about manners." Silk gave a grin and gave a hug to Billi. "So, no special requirements?"
Billi shook her head after returning the hug. "No. Things seem to be going back to normal, which means we're bound to suffer another infiltration. This crew could really use a crash course in how to not be ignorant."
Griffon had his own thoughts on that. Since he had been here it was one thing after another, and no one seemed to wise up. Then, when bad things happened the brass wanted to blame the CO and XO, when it takes a village to run a base, not just two people. But, brass was like corporate leadership; overthink the problem while doing exactly nothing to prevent it. That included the brass here on Mercury. It made him wonder what he had done in his past to get assigned to this circus. His brother was on a starship, zooming around the galaxy and here he was, stuck in limbo. "Trust me, Silk, I'm not too keen on this place, either. Great base if people would work together to solve the fucking problems. But, no. Let's wait until people die before we get off our asses."
Billi listened to the two of them, her gaze going to Resch. "You stow that shit, Ensign. Yes, we have problems, but the base is still trying to establish itself. If you wanted an easy assignment perhaps you should have requested a posting on Jupiter station."
The three of them got quiet as that was said with Silk finally clearing his throat politely. "Anyway," he said. "How about we go to one of the hip places and have us a drink, maybe some music and dancing, that sorta thing. Rusty loves to watch people dance it makes him hungry." He gave a chuckle, as did Rusty.
"With the way I've seen some people dance," said Resch. "You'd think they had a Ceti eel in their brain." That elicited laughter from all three.
"Alright," said Billi. "I'll meet you guys at the Emerald for some food," she looked at Rusty. "We have some targ, raw, in the cooler."
Rusty rubbed his belly with his claw covered hands, giving a growling sound that came out like the word yum.
"Sounds good," said Silk. "I take it we'll get to see you in something other than those unflattering rags you're wearing?"
Resch gave a laugh. "She could make burlap look good. But, he has a point. Some traditional Orion duds would make us feel better."
Billi shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Men. Be glad I don't use my pheromones, you two would be drooling on the floor. But, sure, I'll find something more comfortable. See you then, fellas."
The party broke up, heading different ways for different reasons.