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Post # 26 " Harmony "

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 9:50pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: AMONG US 8
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Sureth entered the ops area with the marine sergeant and proceeded over to his office. Sitting in his chair Deke Rivers was happy and worried to see his old friend.

" What's up buddy?"

" You're in my seat Captain. The JAG will be reversing his ruling soon. Long story short the torpedoes that were stolen were duds. McGregor never armed them. The components are still locked up in the vault." Sureth told him. " I have to recall Commander Taavis. "

" That is great news Sureth. I sent Callaghan out to look for pirates. I am afraid she will like Nova 2 and try and keep her." Deke replied.

No chuckle but Sureth moved to the other side of the desk and immediately opened his terminal.

" You changed my code?"

" Sorry I had to." Deke smiled.

“Father! .. Sorry, Captain!” Isabelle smiled as she walked into Ops and saw her father. “It’s good to see you back in Ops.”

Sureth turned and hugged his daughter.

" This hiccup has been healed. "


After that meeting Deke went to Ops and hailed the Nova 2 to get a report.

[ Nova to this is Captain Rivers. What is your eta?]

Shauna smiled as heard Sureth’s hail.

[ Callaghan here Sir, we should be with you within the hour. We have some Ferengi refugees to drop off. ]

[ Don't get to suited to my chair Commander. Ferengi?]

[ Yes Sir, seems Daimon Shep was meeting with our pirates. His ship took a pounding he wasn’t expecting, we had to rescue the crew. The ship wasn’t so fortunate. ]

[ Keep an eye on him and them Commander. I will greet you at air lock 4.] Deke replied.

[ Understood Captain ] Shauna grinned. [ I’ll see you there. ]



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