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Post #4. Checking in with Medical

Posted on Fri Jan 13th, 2023 @ 8:19pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Character Development
Location: Sickbay


At the behest of both John and Sureth, Isabelle made her way to Sickbay if only to put the minds of her new husband and father at rest. Walking into Sickbay she smiled as she approached Ramvek.

“Excuse me Doctor ... Commander!” She smiled warmly as she noted his change of rank. “Congratulations!”

"Thank you Counselor.....but actually Lieutenant Commander....but close enough" he said with a slight chuckle "What can I do for my favorite Counselor."

“Well Lieutenant Commander, is shortened to Commander in conversation” Isabelle grinned. “Actually I’m here because either morning sickness is kicking in, or I’m unwell. My father and husband both asked me to come and see you so here I am!”

"Apologies, I stand corrected Isabelle" he stated with a grin "Let's have a look shall we, if you want to hop up here on the Biobed." Isabelle did as asked then Ramvek grabbed the scanner out of his pocket and moved it over her body from head to toe. After a few minutes while constantly watching the monitor at the head of the bed "Well everything looks as it far along are you?"

“Just about three weeks, I had severe morning sickness when I was carrying my son so I guess I could be inline for the same thing this time?” She gave Ramvek a melancholy look, hoping he’d have some advice.

The Doctor thought for a moment "I could give you something for the morning sickness but I'd prefer not to with the fetus as such an early stage of development" then he paused "My suggestion is don't eat too late, or too much, in the evening and keep it on the bland side then when you wake drink a cup of warm herbal tea as soon as you can. Let's see if that doesn't help with the morning sickness....if not then we'll try something else" he explained as he sat next to her bed.

Isabelle nodded. “I did find ginger tea, and some of the Vulcan herbal teas helped last time, but I still ended up in Sickbay as an in-patient due to dehydration, and not being able to keep anything down. It wasn’t much fun, but it was worth it.” She smiled warmly. “Ohh my records should be updated to reflect that I now have a husband, John Dallas should you need his consent for anything.”

Williams smiled "Congrats Isabelle, I hope you two will be very happy" he commented "As far as the tea goes make it on the strong side, the bitterness should help to calm your stomach. And yes I will update your records when we're done here. If you find your still having problems in the mornings then please come back and see me."

Isabelle smiled and nodded. “I will, and thank you Ramvek. I’ll try the tea as you suggested, and take on all your advice.”

"Good, and like I said if things don't get better please stop by as there are other courses of action we can investigate" Williams replied hoping that wouldn't be necessary.

“Of course” Isabelle nodded. “Fingers crossed.” With that she nodded politely and headed on her way.



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