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Post Number 5 Nova

Posted on Sat Jan 14th, 2023 @ 6:13pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole
Edited on on Sat Jan 14th, 2023 @ 6:29pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Concurrent to Mission 8


The stealth of the Nova 2 quickly docked at station 2 met immediately by Captain Deke Rivers. A man of the stars Deke missed the command chair of a starship.

Escorted to the bridge the doors opened where the yeoman announced.

" Captain on the bridge !"

" Thank you yeoman as you were. Number One report." Deke said to Lt Commander Callahan.

Shauna quickly made her report about what had occurred, and their Ferengi guests. “Lieutenant Poole has been an excellent addition to the crew Sir” she smiled warmly.

Deke then looked to Lt Poole. " We haven't officially met. I'm Captain Deke Rivers."

"I'm Lieutenant Poole the new science chief, sir," Shamarra responded.

" Oh yes I know . You come highly rated which is why I wanted to ask a question before you left us. I need a top science officer on the Nova 2. I understand you belong to Mercury but if you want the job it's yours. The sales pitch is we go out there and explore. Sureth is very conservative and only sends his junior officers when he can't go himself. Old science officers do that. I ask because we have a large system to check out We leave in a few days." Rivers replied.

"Then this would transfer me off the Mercury and onto the Nova 2?" Shamarra asked puzzled "Leaving the Mercury without a science officer?"

" I am responsible for the Nova 2 not the station. Sureth is back in command there and will find another one in the next rotation. I do not want to go into a new system with unskilled officers. Ensign Sayvek is willing but he is young." Rivers added.

Shamarra was still puzzled as her question had not been fully answered but from what Captain Rivers was telling her is she was to be transferred from the Mercury and onto the Nova 2 which meant Captain Sureth had been unhappy with her performance. "I'll need a day to clean out my office and pack up my quarters,"

Deke smiled " Think about it and let me know."

"With all due respect captain it's been decided," Shamarra said I've been transferred and I'm puzzled as to why. But as I said give me twenty four hours to clean out my office, place what I have in there in storage, clear out my quarters and store everything there since the Nova 2 is not large enough for my belongings."

" At ease Lieutenant I am just horse trading. Nothing has been decided. I just wanted to make to make you an offer. Sureth is going to be pissed at me for even poaching. But it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. You're dismissed." Deke replied.

Shamarra headed out for the science department so she could clean out her office.

“I think you confused her Sir” Shauna offered a smile. “It’s good to have you back onboard, you were missed.”

" We have a big mission coming up Commander. A system with at least one class M world. " Deke added.

“Really?” Shauna smiled. “I can’t wait to hear more about it.”

" Okay meet me for dinner and we will talk shop. In the mess hall of course." Deke replied.

“Of course” Shauna nodded. She had to admit she enjoyed Deke’s company whether it was on duty, or afte work in the mess hall.


Deke rushed in but found it was empty. "Computer two chicken salad sandwiches and two large ice teas."

Walking into the Mess Hall Shauna was surprised to find herself alone with Deke, it was most unusual for no one else to be there. She grinned as she sat down at the table with Deke. “Wow! Where is everyone?”

" I guess leave. I made you a sandwich sit down. So the mission is one right out of the text books. Unexplored system with a class M world. Probe showed dilithium deposits. This is a scientific find this far into the core." Deke stated.

“Sounds very interesting” Shauna smiled as she picked up her drink. “Thank you for choosing by the way, I spend ages wondering what to have!”

" It sounded good. I never wanted a desk job I always loved the bridge of a starship," Deke added.

Shauna nodded. “A starship Captain through and through huh? To be honest I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at first, then I served aboard my first starship and I was hooked. I don’t mind being second officer of Starbase Mercury but I prefer being out amongst the stars. There’s just something ... magical about it.”

" So you enjoyed the center seat too? I will be sure to remember that Shauna. Bob Covenant is a great ops officer and so is Ejo. We are building a great crew." Deke then said.

“That we are” Shauna nodded and started politely eating her food.

" So this system we're going to has two moons. Can you imagine the songs that could be sung under them?" Deke hinted.

Shauna grinned. “I can imagine it’ll be a sight to behold, romantic too.”

" Romantic ? Well there is a woman inside that uniform, I hadn't noticed" Deke chuckled. " How much leave do we need? I would like to get to that system as fast as possible." Deke added.

“How’s about we give the crew another 24 hours? Give them time to have a break.” Shauna smiled. “Ohh and there’s a woman inside this uniform alright, I just don’t get much chance to let her out to air.”

" Well you have 24 hours Commander go enjoy." Deke winked as he drank down his tea and then exited the mess hall.




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