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Post # 6 A quick Honeymoon

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 5:51pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury - Quarters
Timeline: The night of the wedding


As newly weds were known for Isabelle smiled as she lay cuddled up in bed with John.

“This is like some fairytale dream come true!” Her fingers traced gently back and forth across his chest. “To be married to you. I wasn’t expecting the sudden ceremony, but I’m not complaining! At least we get some time for a brief honeymoon, though I would like a chance to get away for a proper honeymoon when we get chance.”

" Yea it was Sureth's idea. We discussed it in the turbo lift." John replied.

“You’re not disappointed are you?” Isabelle lifted her head and gave John a concerned look. “We can always have a blessing ceremony with the crew involved, or just find ourselves a little chapel somewhere? Do you still have to leave for your extra training?”

" I am supposed to next week if I want to become an officer. But with the marines running security maybe I could apply next cycle." John giggled as he began tickling his new wife.

Isabelle laughed as John tickled her, he knew just where to tickle for maximum effect. Returning the favour she tickled him back giggling as she did so. She gave it a few more moments before pausing.

“So .. when is the next cycle?”

" Federation day."

“Federation day ... so how long does that give us?”

" Next October sweetness. I asked to postpone my classes I took a squad from the Major." John replied.

“October ... right.” Isabelle nodded. “So that means you won’t be here when the baby is due. I’m not due until December.” She sighed. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t be complaining on our honeymoon night, I want you to go for your Officer training.”

" If I go it is a months journey there. A months journey back." John replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Well I wouldn’t be much of a wife if I didn’t support you.” She smiled as she started tickling him again.

After further cuddling John looked Isabella in the eyes.

" I guess I will go."

“Are you trying to make me talk you out of it?” Isabelle looked into her husband’s eyes.

" Nah just reminding you of what you will be missing." John smiled.

Isabelle grinned. “Ohh just you wait, I’ll remind you of what you’ll be missing!” She grinned mischievously.



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