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Post # 7 "The yearly checkup"

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 8:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo)
Edited on on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 9:25pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Current

personal Quarters
Jessica was in quarters just getting ready and putting on her uniform. On her agenda was her yearly check up. She exited her quarters to head to sickbay. She head to the nearby life and called it a moment later the lift arrived as the doors opened she step inside. =^=Computer Sickbay=^= the doors closed and lift got in motion. A few moments later she arrived on the floor were the sick bay was. As the doors opens she stepped out and head to sickbay and entered. Looking kind of lost.

Main Sickbay

Doctor Williams heard the Sick Bay doors swoosh open and looked up to see a Lieutenant Commander looking around not to sure what to do next. Ramvek walked over with a smile "Good Morning Lieutenant Commander, is there something I can do for you" he queried waiting on an answer.

“Hello Commander, I am for a physical check up I noticed it this morning. It will be my first one since the academy. My former postings didn’t take it all to Seriously so I never had it.” She said then added “ oh sorry I forgot to introduce me to you. I think we haven’t. I am Jessica O’Neil.”

"Very nice to meet you Jessica O'Neil; you've certainly come to right place" Ramvek said with a grin "If you want to hop up on the Biobed then we can get stared; this shouldn't take too long."

Jessica walked over to the Biobed and hoped on it. "So tell me Doctor what has brought you here to this corner of the Universe.“ Jessica wondered.

The Doctor grinned "Obviously my transfer had a lot to do with me being here" he stated then went on "Star Fleet asked me if I would consider leaving a Ship and going to a Star Base and I agreed to the transfer. Plus I hope it will afford me the time to do some Medical research as well. So what's your reason for being here."

“ I like the adventure. I was stationed on some ships and got moved around a lot actually my last ship posting was the longest roughly a year. But then I wanted something more stable so I asked to be transferred here and so far I like here. I am here now for quiet some time you know. I hope to make some friends.” Jessica replied.

"That's probably one of the hardest things being transferred to a new place....making friends" Williams stated with a smile "I'm sure before long you will make all sorts of new seem rather pleasant and friendly."

"Thank you Doctor, you are the first one that I get acquainted with" Jessica noted giving a bright smile. " I have worked with a few of stations crew. I work quite closely Lt. Ejo and her team from the Nova2 as long as the ship is docked.All the other I only saw briefly in meeting." Jessica added. "Did you make any friends here already?" she asked.

"Yes, most of my staff" of course" he didn't go into any details about Nurse Stone "Lieutenant Poole and a few others. The longer you're here the more friends you'll make" he explained with a smile "Now let's have a look at you" as he grabbed the scanner from his pocket. Going over Jessica from head to toe and everything in between while watching the monitor over the bed "Everything looks good; blood pressure, mineral blood levels, heart rate, pulse, breathing.....offhand I'd say you're in top condition Jessica."

„Oh those are good signs Doctor thank you for giving me the physical check. “ Jessica said. „Is it ok if I add you to my mental list of friend, Doctor.“ Jessica added. „Am I ok to hop down from the bio bed.“ she inquired.

"You are welcome Jessica and yes you're all set so you can hop off the Biobed" Ramvek said with a smile "I would be honored to be your friend."

„Again thank you.“ she said smiling while hopping down. „ I hope I see you around.“ Jessica said making her way out of sickbay to start her shift in engineering.


Lt. Cmd. Jessica O‘Neil
Star Base Mercury

Lt. Cmd. Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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