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Post # 8 "Celebration"

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sickbay}

After Lt. Cmd. O'Neil left Ramvek went into his Office to update her Medical Records with the information from her checkup. While he was inputting her information he heard a knock at his door, turning he saw it was Ensign Stone "Please come in and have a seat" he said with a smile always happy to see her "How are you."

Heidi walked in and sat on the other stool when she noticed Ramvek's collar "Wow....Lieutenant when did this happen" she queried returning his smile.

"Thank you.....a couple of hours ago. Captain, or should I say, Commodore Sureth gave me the promotion primarily so I can Mentor Labno since he has submitted his application to the Academy" he explained.

"Well it's about time since you bust your butt around here and the Staff all seem to really like working for you; myself included" Heidi replied with a grin hoping he would catch her drift.

"Thank you's nice to be recognized by ones superiors for your efforts....although rank is secondary as far as I'm concerned, the patients come first" he replied.

After a moment of thought Heidi whispered "So would you let me take you out to dinner tonight to treat" she queried with a smile hoping he would agree.

Ramvek grinned "I think that can be arranged and since you're paying I'll let you pick the place....civilian attire?"

"Yes civilian attire and I'll swing by your Quarters about eighteen hundred if that's good for you" she replied quite pleased to be going out to dinner with the Doctor.

"Yes that's I'll see you about eighteen hundred" he responded with a smile.

The Ensign stood "Good, I should get back on the floor....I'll see you later" as a very happy Heidi went back to work.

Ramvek wondered if there would be a repeat of the night they went dancing.....although that wouldn't be such a bad thing since they hadn't seen each other socially since that night.



Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lt.Cmd. Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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