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Post Number 9 The Cats Is Back Open

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 10:37pm by Kitten Dawson
Edited on on Tue Jan 17th, 2023 @ 3:06pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Kittens Restaurant The Cats
Timeline: Current


Kitten and Digger had received word that the station was back to normal operations and after a long discussion over the restaurant they agreed to give it one more try. But this time they’d chosen a place on what was called The Shadow Way, this is where Billie had met with Kitten at and somehow she felt better opening there. It had taken a week to find a place, get it cleaned, decorated and the meats that were in storage moved into the cooler and freezer in the new restaurant. The cat figurines that had been her pride and joy had been destroyed when the pirates had boarded the base. Some had been replaced. Kitten and Digger were still looking for more.

Digger has surprised her with a cat clock, the eyes moved side to side and the tail switched side to side and on the hour it meowed. Instead of hanging it over the door this time it was hung over the bar. New plates and glasses had been ordered all with cat prints on them, same with napkins and since the menu was only Pizza, Hot dogs, Hamburgs, Cheeseburgers, French Fries and Nachos there had been no need at this time to order silverware. That of course could change if Kitten ever decided to change the menu. None of the food was replicated and as far as drinks, you could have anything you wanted non-alcoholic and there was not a replicator in the place.

Finally the day came for the grand reopening of the Cats, Kitten had sent word that she was back and out of respect word had been sent to the base commanding officer but her vow still held. She had no plans to ever set foot on his bridge again. The last meeting had not been very nice, there had been yelling, she’d been told to open up in a pre-chosen location and the replicators were online and ready. When she’d said she didn’t serve replicated food she’d been promptly escorted under armed guard out of the conference room. It had been that day she’d vowed never to set foot there again. Kitten felt an apology was owed to her for the yelling and being escorted out of the conference room and the way she’d been treated.

“Are you ready to open the Cats again?” Digger asked her as he turned on the lights. The grills and fry vats were on and ready along with the Pizza Oven.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Kitten said as she unlocked the door that now had a security system and closed circuit cameras in place. Kitten and Digger both had phasers just incase they were needed.



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