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Post 01 Sin of not being a father

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:47am by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:52pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Charlottetown - Commanders Ready room
Timeline: Post 0 - Day 1 0945


--Personal log entry--

We're enroute too the conference, Engineering is reporting technical issues with the engines, they are attempting too remedy the problem and I have full confidence in my engineer but he is reserved in his optimism on repairs.

Jarred closed the log entry and stood up exiting the ready room to return the bridge, "Report."

His engineer who was at the bridge station spoke "We're now down too warp four point six three, and I can't guarantee that for much longer, we're going too need to find a starbase or other port within six hours."

Jarred groaned, his newly minted Gagarin Class ship had it's first hiccup and he was unimpressed with this development, "Find me a starbase within our travel restrictions helm."

The Vulcan helm officer began his calculations and spoke in a matter of fact manner "Our options are very limited, Starbase M Six Nine is our best bet as they have lower commercial traffic and it does have the capacity too meet our repair needs."

Jarred turned too his first officer and they exchanged a look followed by a pause "Isn't M-69 also called Starbase Mercury?"

The Tellarite first officer Zorg let out a small grunt "Yes sir, they've been busy with a number of things since they came on line."

Jarred finally clued in as he looked at the navigation display on the main viewer, "Set a coarse, best speed possible."

"Aye Commodore, adjusting coarse for starbase Mercury, warp 4.63, estimated arrival time three hours ten minutes."

The turbo lift hissed followed by "Commodore Wallace! What is the meaning of this!"

Jarred rolled his eyes before turning too see the three diplomats and their entourage barge on to his bridge, "Ambassador Chen we're having technical issues and it's either put in to a starbase now or wait for a tug to bring us there."

The ambassador just grunted then spoke "Starfleet putting us on this unproven ship to such a highly sensitive conference is not only unusual but quite ridiculous."

Jarred turned, the mass of scars on his face from a Dominion phaser rifle and numerous other battles during the war became visible, "Ambassador you and this entourage booked this meeting with little notice to starfleet, now the only ship that was available was mine, and it wasn't ready, so these are the consequences."

With out another word the group collectively stormed off the bridge, Jarred turned too his tactical officer, "Keep them off the bridge until we get too Mercury." He growled "Zorg you have the bridge."

Jarred went back too the ready room and sat at the desk "Computer pull the senior officer roster for Starbase M-69."

As the roster scrolled he paused it then muttered too himself. He saw the name, the only one that he was afraid of, David. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass, this was going to be awkward.


Word Count: 495

Cmdr Jarred Wallace (PNPC - D. Wallace)


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