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Post #2 "Celebration" - Pt.2

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Kitten Dawson & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:51pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43 - Quarters}

After Ramvek's shift was done for the day, even though he was on call 24/7 as CMO, he arrived home and went straight into the shower to wash off the day's work and stress. When done he toweled off then went to his closet to grab some civilian attire for his celebration dinner with Heidi; he noted he really needed to go to one of the Shoppes and update his wardrobe sometime soon. Once dressed he combed his greying hair and splashed on his favorite aftershave. Then made his way back into the living area and grabbed a water. Moments later the door chime went off.

Stepping to the door he opened it....there stood Heidi looking as gorgeous as ever wearing a big smile "So you ready for dinner Lieutenant Commander Williams" she queried with a grin.

Ramvek returned the smile "Yes I where are we going, if you don't mind my asking" he commented.

"There's a new place that just opened, well reopened actually, it's on one of the Promenade Decks in an area called the Shadow Way. It's called Cats I believe, and I hear they have really good burgers and everything is freshly made and not replicated. So how does that sound" Heidi explained.

"That sounds good to me.....I haven't had a real burger in forever" he replied then thought "You know I think that Kitten Dawson women owns it and from I have observed she's had a rough go of it. So yes I think that's a good place to go."

The couple left for a nearby lift and when they were on board Heidi stated "Deck 199" and moments later they were off for their celebration dinner.

{Deck 199 - Shadow Way}

The Lift deposited the couple on the Promenade Deck in an area known as the 'Shadow Way' when Heidi looked around and saw the sign "Ramvek it's over this way" as they walked over to this newish place to have dinner.

Walking in, the place looked new inside and very clean, which they both appreciated working in the Medical field...they looked around as the smells filled their senses "If the food tastes as good as it smells this should be a great meal" Ramvek commented to Heidi as he looked up and saw a young interesting looking women walk over too them.

"Welcome to the Cats doctor, I'm Kitten the owner. Let me show you to a table."

Ramvek and Heidi followed Kitten to the table when he figured since she was paying for dinner, the least he could do was be a gentleman and pull her chair out for her "Your seat Ma Lady" he said with a grin.

The gesture totally took Heidi by surprise, since no man that she had dated previously had ever done anything like this before. Then she sat and looked up at Ramvek "Thank you kind Sir" Heidi replied with a smile.

The Doctor sat then looked at Kitten "So what do you serve in your establishment" he queried with a smile.

Kitten Handed them menus, "We serve Pizza, Hamburgs, Cheeseburgers, French Fries,Nachos, and anything you want to drink, I even have Anchovies and Sardines. All my food is cooked to order and all fresh."

Heidi looked over at Ramvek "You order first since this meal is in your honor" she suggested with a smile.

He looked up from his menu "I'll have a Cheeseburger....medium well...with all the fixings along with an order of Nachos with cheese and a glass of Lemonade" he stated then looked at Heidi "You're turn."

"Actually I'll have the same as the Doctor" Heidi stated then the two handed the menus back to Ms. Dawson.

"It'll be a few minutes," Kiitten said as she walked away and returned with the lemonades, setting them on the table along with two straws and the drinks were place on small coasters. Kitten headed back to the kitchen where Digger was busy with the order, looking up he grinned as he flipped the burgers while Kitten dropped a basket of fries and set to work getting the nacho's ready.

A few minutes later everything was done, loading the food onto a tray she carried it out and served her guests "I hope you like it," KItten said smiling.

"I'm sure we will, it looks and smells delicious" Heidi replied with a smile. Looking at Ramvek "Let's try it" as she grabbed the burger and took a bite.

Meanwhile Ramvek, who wasn't bashful when it came to good food, did the same and chewed like he was in paradise "Oh man this is so good" he exclaimed then taking a swig of the lemonade.

"Oh wow, this is fantastic" Heidi replied really not wanting to stop and talk, then tried the fries and nachos "If I ate like this everyday I'd pack on some pounds" as she chuckled before going back to her meal.

Not too much was said while they enjoyed their food. Finally Ramvek spoke up "I doubt you'd gain any weight from eating this food" he stated with a grin "But tell you what I am stuffed" he stated then finished his lemonade. The couple sat and talked for awhile while they digested their wonderful meal.

"If you're ready to leave, I'll go pay for our meal" Heidi commented then the Doctor nodded yes. She went to the counter "Ms.Dawson I'd like to pay for our meal now" she stated "I don't believe we've met, I'm Ensign Heidi Stone the Head Nurse for the Medical Department."

"Kitten Dawson, that's what my friends call me and this one is on me. The handsome dude doing the cooking is my boyfriend, Digger."

Heidi was very surprised by Kitten's offer but decided not to push it "Thank you very much for your kind gesture. We'll be sure to spread the word about your delicious food and fine service; I'm sure we'll be repeat customers and you're right....Digger is rather handsome" she commented with a grin.

"That he is and I don't know what I'd do without him. Spreading the word about my restaurant is payment enough," Kitten said "I'm glad you liked the food as replicated food just does not have the same taste."

Heidi smiled "You're lucky to have someone like that in your life" she commented being very sincere "We should be going and thank you for a great meal and your hospitality." Turning she walked over to Ramvek "You ready to go?"

"Yes before I eat myself into oblivion" he commented with a grin.

"Thank you for coming in," Kitten said

"It was our pleasure...again thank you" Heidi replied with a smile then her and the Doctor exited the the Eatery to go back to their quarters.


Word Count: 1131

Kitten Dawson
Restaurant Owner
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


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