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Post # 03 Unexpected Arrival

Posted on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 @ 1:24pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Commodore Sureth & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:49pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Station Operations
Timeline: Post 3 - Day 1 0955


David had gotten the flash message unaware of specifics he paced inside the turbolift, as the doors slid open he jumped though the door and ran over too the command station, "Sir we intercepted and emergency flash message, USS Charlottetown is having engine troubles and is enroute."

Pausing too catch his breath "They're loaded down with diplomatic types, I do apologize but this situation was urgent." he said realizing that the first officer and a new face were speaking.

" Thank you Lieutenant I will hail Captain Rivers and have the Nova 2 diapatched to check out the situation." Sureth replied.

“Did I hear mention of the Nova 2 there Captain?” Shauna smiled at Sureth as she stepped into Ops. “What do you need us to do Sir?”

" Commander Callaghan this is Intelligence Chief Lt Wallace. We seem to have a damaged vessel. I am going to need the Nova 2 to go assist them." Sureth replied.

Shauna nodded politely as she looked towards Wallace. “It’s nice to meet you Lieutenant. Welcome to Starbase Mercury.” She looked back at Sureth. “We can be ready to go within the next few minutes Sir, how far out is the ship?”

Sureth turned to Wallace for that answer.

"They signaled they're traveling under their own power but at a severely reduced speed, they should be in system within two to three hours, based on the current course projection, my concern is all of the diplomats aboard, since we're not exactly set up for so many of them arriving at once." David hid the fact his estranged father was also the commanding officer.

Sureth then directed operations to orepare fir the Nova 2's departure. He then turned attention to Lt Commander Callaghan.

" Captain Rivers is not responding. Assemble the crew and help escort the Charlottetown back to the Mercury." Sureth ordered.

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded. “I’ll see if Captain Rivers is there when I get back. Mr Wallace, if Captain Sureth approves would you like to accompany us? Seeing as you have contact with the Charlottetown already.”

David felt instant panic, and decided to be up front "I've only been in contact with the first officer and there's another detail that the Commodore Sureth is aware of," Pausing to collect himself "The commander of the Charlottetown is Commodore Jarred Wallace, my father."

"My parents separated before my twin sister and I were born and even while I was at the academy I never met him, I'm very vaguely aware of anything about him beyond he's one of the top three on the operations side of Intelligence and his a few pieces of his war record during the Dominion war." Pausing he could vaguely sense something "Add in a ship full of Federation trade commission delegates."

" It is your call Lieutenant." Sureth added.

"I'll go, I can't avoid my duties." David said then added "I'll collect my sidearm and head for the docking port."

Deke Rivers hustled in last.
" Sorry I was in the head...the bathroom. What's up ? Deke asked aloud.

" I will fill Rivers in. Take the Lieutenant with you Commander." the new Commodore ordered.

“Yes Sir” Shauna nodded and looked towards Wallace. “Don’t worry Lieutenant, you won’t have to face off with your father that I promise you.”

"Let's hope so." David said as he was started to exit the Ops center.


Word Count: 567


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