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#7 Staff Meeting

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 9:03am by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 10:45am

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: Current - Morning


David had wrapped up his meeting with the captain and he had started too make his way down too the intelligence offices, he walked the corridor he'd managed to take a glimpse at the few personnel files of the few staff he had. He was eager too meet up with them and get down too business. He walked though the doors too, nothing. No one was on duty. He looked at the time, no one was in. David found a small area that looked like it was supposed to be a kitchenette with a replicator, but no coffee maker. David hated replicated coffee, actually he despised it, he found a passable blend and walked around.

He knew that the intelligence staff were often pulling double duty so he walked into the empty office finding it empty, the desk looked unused, same with the chair. He sat down and logged into the computer, there wasn't much too get excited about, it was a rare lull in goings on, he did see a moment up date of some ships used by Starfleet intelligence including the Charlottetown. That particular ship was on the far side of the sector one some diplomatic mission, The other ships were on 'Unspecified maneuvers' which was double talk for on a mission that didn't need too be in the general daily briefing. He took a sip of the replicated coffee and paused someone was about too enter the office.

"Can I help you?" David said as the door hissed open.

Since Billi had been in nominal control of Intelligence over the past few weeks she did not expect someone in the office, which she had never used for anything but a quiet place to read through Intel dailies. Now, with Resch in tow, and speaking to him, she came to an abrupt stop. Her conversation about Resch needing to take a runabout and see to the comm relay stations throughout the system was immediately halted. So, being the cool Orion woman she was Billi looked at the man at the desk. "That depends. Are you assigned to Intelligence? If not I will have to ask you to leave."

Griffon stood behind her right shoulder, looking over and passed it to see the man, but said nothing.

David sat back, "I'm Lieutenant David Wallace, I'm the new intel chief." As he stood he could sense some apprehension.

Billi held a finger up briefly before dropping it to access her PADD. Sure as flies on a targ, there was the man's name and a pic from his personnel file, after she had put in her codes, of course. Closing that down she looked back up and gave a grin. "Glad to have you, David. Welcome aboard, and all that." She stepped further into the office instead of standing in the doorway, ushering Griffon to follow. "I am Lieutenant Billi, FC Chief and tertiary Intel officer." She looked over at Griffon.

Taking his cue he looked to the Lieutenant. "Ensign Griffon Resch. Assigned to FC and Intel, Sir. I go where needed when circumstances call for it."

David shifted slightly, "I am aware of your assignment status and before you start too think I'm going too toss you both out an airlock over it, I'm not by the way, the head of the sector's intelligence wanted one full time intelligence officer here."

"About damned time," said Billi. As a department head herself she could understand where he was coming from, even with the poor word choices. "I've been filling in here, Security, Operations; wherever I'm needed. Ensign Resch has been stellar in aiding with those endeavors."

"Vice Admiral Clancy is retiring so stations like ours won't get neglected any more, I'd like for both of you to remain for now with the office until I get staffing sorted out, I have a couple of people being transferred in but the one ensign is six days out and she's very green out of the academy."

Billi gave a nod to that. "I think that can be arranged, Lieutenant." She cast her eyes on Griffon. "Mister Resch, I can see to the FC needs if you don't mind assisting Mister Wallace, here."

Resch gave a nod intended for both of them at once. "Not a problem, Sirs."

David saw a message in the computer display "We'll pick up the rest of this later, I have to speak too the captain, looks like we could have guests."

"I better prepare, then. Thank you, David. Billi is my name, by the way. Ensign, I will put you on extended exchange with Intel. If you choose to switch it to your primary don't hesitate to let me know. Have a good day, gentlemen." Billi spun on her heel and left.

"I'll be available if you need me, Sir." Resch gave Wallace a nod. "As for now, I'll see to other duties on station, thank you." Leaving the Lieutenant to see to his comm call, Resch turned and left the department.

"Thanks for stopping in, I need too find the CO, looks like we're going too be busy."


Word Count: 853


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