#14 Minor Changes
Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 2:53pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Edited on on Sat Jan 28th, 2023 @ 3:27pm
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: promenade
Timeline: current
Griffon Resch was sitting at a table just outside of one of the eateries, an au fresco style set-up. Several tables near to the railing looking down on the Promenade below, and a spectacular view of the surrounding walkways and glass covered lifts people used to access the multiple levels of shopping and business. He had a cup of raktajino sitting on the table, steaming as it sat to cool enough for drinking. As per usual he was dressed in black fatigue pants designed like the old Earth military pants, with the thigh pockets, and they were not bloused into his boots, but straight-legged. His torso had a slate grey T-shirt on, sleeveless beneath his leatheris away jacket, that had no indication or places for Starfleet patches and such. Just a flat leather-looking jacket, unzipped, looking casual.
Resch did this every day. He would find a place where he could observe a goodly portion of Promenade and partake of a favored pastime; people watching. He had become quite skilled at reading body language from various alien species, and humans too. Griffon could usually tell who was angry, sad, upset, anxious, or whatever merely by observation. He sipped his Klingon coffee, made a bitter face, and then sipped again to keep the taste in his mouth long enough to finish it. It was pretty bad. He reminded himself to go to the Klingon lounge in Shadow Way, and get a real one. Of course, it would probably keep him wired for sound for several hours afterwards, but he was fine with that. That was when his eyes caught sight of Billi across the chasm, walking along with a Vulcan woman. That had to be Commander Taavis, whom he had yet to meet. Both of them looked to be scanning the crowds and looking into stores casually, as if searching for something, or someone. Billi turned her head his way, directly across the chasm, tapping Taavis's arm and then chinning his direction. The Vulcan looked his way and then said something to Billi, which prompted them to both move along, coming around to his side.
Oh great, he thought. At least the two of them were in civilian attire, but with Billi it was hard to not know who she was with that sexy green skin. However, as they walked up on him Griffon did note that this Taavis was exceptional in the looks department, too.
"Hey, Griff," said Billi. "May we join you?"
"Sure," he sat up more and gestured to the other chairs around the table. With no patrons at the surrounding tables they were safe to speak in low tones about business, if need be.
The two women sat down with the Vulcan speaking first. "We have not met yet. I'm Commander Taavis, Executive Officer for Mercury. So, hello, Mister Resch."
"Hi," said Resch, a bit of cynicism in his voice as much as he tried to douse it. That got an eyebrow raise from Taavis but she said nothing
"Bad day at the office," asked Billi, being cheeky.
"No." Griffon responded. "Just didn't expect company. Apologies for my tone, Taavis." She was not in uniform so rank did not have to be addressed.
"It was fine. I have a thick skin." She actually gave him a crooked grin. When Taavis saw him kind of raise his own eyebrow at the facial expression she went on. "I am not your typical Vulcan. But, I am not the reason we came to...bother you."
Resch was suddenly liking this whole meeting a lot better and turned his chair to face them straight on, arms resting on the table while his hands were around the base of his cup. "Well, what have you got?"
Billi came in on this one. "I went to the Commander after our meeting with Wallace. I have dozens of FC officers, all of whom can do what I need for the department. You, however, picked the small craft chief as your primary. I think you did that simply because you knew me first and wanted to be comfy. Commander."
Taavis took over. "I can make it happen if you want to switch primaries. You are listed as an Intelligence Officer, and have been through all the field training during the Academy. Our Intel has been short handed for a while now so if you would like to be assigned there as primary I have no problem with that. Through my reports all the command staff will be informed so it won't need to be announced. Or, you stay as the chief small craft man and we forget all this."
As she had been speaking Resch ran things through his mind. He knew how to fly various craft and ships, and FC had been a good choice. But, to actually be hands on with Intel was an opportunity he could not ignore or shrug off. "Commander, I'll take the switch in primary. I appreciate it, both of you."
"You'll be just a pilot. Can't be the chief pilot without it being your first choice. Regulations, I'm afraid," explained Billi.
"I'm fine with that," Griffon replied. "The pilot classification is in my file, so no worries. What about Operations, need more in there?"
Taavis tilted her head. "Operations? You have an interest in Operations?"
"I do," admitted Resch. "My pops was an engineer before getting his own command, so I learned a lot while growing up. Tech and machines come easy to me and I like to tinker to keep the skills up. Plus, with the Intel training in gear responsibility, it just seems a good fit. I can always help Billi if she needs it, otherwise."
The two women conferred for a few moments quietly, then Taavis looked his way as she pulled a palm PADD from a thigh pocket and began to tap on it. "As of...right now, you are assigned to Intel as such, and also a Secondary in the Operations department. Base log now has it on file."
"Nice, Taavis. Thanks." He reached over the table and shook hands, noting she hesitated before following through with the gesture.
"My pleasure. Mister Wallace needs support so now he has it. This is a frontier of sorts so Intel gathering is a must." Said Taavis.
"Wait until he meets Kehlani," said Billi, with a light laugh behind it.
"Kehlani?" Asked Resch.
"One of our resident Klingons," explained Taavis. She too had a slight grin in one corner of her mouth. "She takes some getting used to but you will be surprised by her appearance, I'm sure." Taavis stood up. "Thank you, Griffon. It has been a pleasure. And, on a personal note, Club Bliss is mine. Feel free to enjoy it when you get the chance."
Billi stood along with the Commander. "Kehlani is the Strategic Operations Chief, so you'll be working closely with her. Like Taavis said she can be brusque but she means well. See you around." The two of them walked away.
Resch was not a man above watching women from behind, seeing as how he was young and not dead yet. That pair of backsides were well worth the look. He took a sip of coffee and almost spewed as it still tasted foul and had gone cold while talking. Getting up he dumped the whole thing into the refuse bin and walked off, heading for Shadow Way and a real mug of raktajino.
Word Count: 1243