#15 First Day
Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 12:40pm by Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: SB Mercury
Timeline: current
Dressed in his new colors for Intel, Griffon Resch actually had a silly grin on his face as he left his quarters. Instead of the coverall style male uniform he chose the vest variant and slacks overtop his dark grey mock-neck shirt. The pants were old-school but still considered viable as a uniform. Black and meant to tuck into his knee high boots, also from an earlier era (SNW uni). So, with his well-fit pants, tall boots and vest variant he felt like a whole new officer. The black piping down each leg just added to the allure for wearing the trousers, and the boots had an all-terrain, non-slip sole and came up to just below his knees. He felt like a jockey riding for the Intel department. That thought elicited another grin to himself.
Arriving at Intel he sauntered inside, and like the other day, saw stations occupied by data stream analysts. Looking towards the DH's office he saw the door was closed so his eyes glanced around the chamber. There was a woman in uniform, auburn hair, fair skin and blazing blue eyes, walking here and there as she would look to a holographic monitor and then jot notes on a PADD she carried. If he had to guess that would be the Officer On Duty, or OOD. He noted the rank pips for a Lt.JG.
Approaching casually so as not to startle her while she was focused, Resch gave a light clearing of the throat. "Excuse me, Lieutenant."
The woman looked to her left and met his eyes. "Hello, Ensign," she said, with a very distinctive British accent. Her eyes went up and down his body, looking at his mode of dress, a slight grin appearing on her face as she turned to face him directly as the PADD was held over her abdomen with crossed hands. "Well, aren't you the rascal. Not many wear the older uniform choices. But, you do pull it off well." She smiled, which only added to her looks. "However, I'm sure you aren't here to discuss fashion. What can I do for you, Mister...?"
"Resch," he said. "Ensign Griffon Resch. And, how should I address you, Miss...?" Griffon, as he made his query, extended his arm for a handshake.
As she responded she clasped his hand in a firm handshake. "York. Lieutenant Heather York." They released hands. "Well, now that we know who we are, I ask again. What can I do for you, Mister Resch?"
Griffon gave a grin. "Last night Commander Taavis made changes to my assignments. My primary is now Intel so I am reporting for duty, Miss York."
"Ah, yes," Heather responded, bringing the PADD up. "Now that you mention it I do remember seeing a notation of such. One moment, please." She began to tap keys and scroll through information.
"Take your time," he said, being both patient and a gentleman. Resch clasped his hands behind his back and stood stock still.
"Here we are," York said, after finding the proper data. "Infiltration training, Intel training, Operations major in the Academy..." Looking up York gave that smile again. "Seems you'll be an adequate fit, Mister Resch. Anything in particular you are interested in doing?"
"Not that," Resch said, chinning to the stations where the data streams were being analyzed. "I'm not built for parking my ass in a chair all day, every day. Not opposed to doing it, but not a preference."
"By the looks of you I'd say you mean it," York replied, her eyes dancing up and down his athletic frame once more before coming back to his face. She did not try to hide it, just did it. "I have just the task, then. As we work closely with Strategic Operations then I will assign you a task to assist them and keep your arse out of a chair, as you so eloquently put it. You will be our liaison with Strat. Ops., for now. Mister Wallace may change that as we go but since he is currently busy with staff meetings in regards to arriving dignitaries, I shall assign you. Your task is to go through this entire station, to each cache, and recalibrate all personnel weapons, both rifles and sidearms. Lieutenant Kehlani is the Chief of S.O., a Klingon, so be prepared for that."
Resch smiled in return. "So I've heard. I will see to my duties then, Lieutenant York. Thank you for your time and patience."
York gave a nod. "Carry on, Ensign. I'll see you later?"
Griffon heard that as a question, not a statement. Deciding to remain subtle he responded. "You can count on it, Miss York." Giving a nod of farewell he departed the Intel department. It was time to go to S.O. and find this Lieutenant Kehlani.