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Post 16/ /" Rescue "

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 9:03pm by Captain Deke Rivers & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Nova 2
Timeline: Stardate 77261


Captain Rivers and XO Shauna Callaghan were beamed immediately to the Nova 2 bridge. Already aboard at ops was Lt Bob Covenant.

" All moorings cleared sir," said Bob.

Shauna tapped her comm badge. =/\= Lieutenant Wallace please report to the bridge. =/\= she looked at Deke. “We need all the information on this ship and crew that we can get. We don’t need surprises.”

Without any fanfare David arrived on the bridge, "Yes Commander?"

Shauna smiled as she greeted Wallace. “Thank you for arriving so quickly. I understand that this isn’t going to be an easy situation for you. I’d appreciate your presence on the bridge when we arrive. What can you tell me about the ship and those onboard.”

David cleared his throat "The Charlottetown is a Gagarin Class ship, she was launched six weeks ago Under the Command of Commodore Jarred Wallace Deputy Director Operations of Starfleet intelligence, She was apparently assigned at the last minute too transport four Federation Trade commission members, Kai Chen, Brenden Grady, Dulcho Shin from Bajor, and Perrin of Vulcan." He paused, "Commodore Wallace has a long record going back too the Dominion war, including twenty citations for bravery, two medals of honor, seven purple hearts for being wounded, one silver star and three bronze crosses." Pausing to catch his breath "The Commodore assumed his role as Deputy director four years ago, his command background is very extensive as well."

Switching too the diplomats "Kai Chen is the foreign affairs delegate for the trade commission, He's fifty-three and currently resides on the Luna City when not on earth, Brenden Grady is the Head of one of the three biggest freight companies in the federation and is regularly a target of Ferengi allegations of unfair business practices." Pausing again "Dulcho Shin is from Bajor, he handles most of the trade matters for the current Bajoran government, Last but least is Perrin of Vulcan, she is serving her second non-consecutive term on the trade Commission."

"I don't have any info on any potential threats against the diplomats at the moment." David turned to the viewer "There was an attempt on Commodore about 15 years ago when he left intelligence to be the first officer of the Achilles before returning to intelligence two years later, the assassins were never caught." David said having too look at his notes and facing some realization.

Shauna nodded as she listened to the report, given the importance of all onboard the sooner the ship was brought back to Starbase Mercury the better. “Thank you Lieutenant, I appreciate the full rundown. The sooner we locate and bring in the ship the better I’ll feel.”

David nodded agreement, "Unless there's an objection I'd like to be on one of the away teams if we need to board the Charlottetown." David added testing the waters.

Shauna nodded. “If you’re sure it’s not going to cause any problems Lieutenant. I expect professional detachment at all times when it comes to dealing with your father.”

Deke then toggled the intercom
" All hands this us the Captain speaking. I apologize for the short RnR. There is a damaged vessel full of dignitaries that are in need of saving . Let's show them what the Nova 2 can do."

" All systems nominal Captain." helm reported.

" Give the word Number One." Deke said to Shauna.

“Aye Sir” Shauna nodded. “Set course for the Charlottetown, best possible speed.”

--USS Charlottetown--

The news was steadily getting worse, the engine issue had become more extreme. They had lost another ten percent power slowing them too just above warp four, along with that they had lost life support in one section, the ship was slowly falling apart then the news got worse.

"Damn it!" Jarred called out as he slammed his fist into the bulkhead.

"Sir, slamming appendages into the ship won't help." Zarg the first officer said

"This ship is barely two months old and it's acting as if it was hit by an EMP, what is going on?" Jarred turned too his engineer

"It looks like they didn't fully populate the computer before we left space dock, I'm trying too keep us going but the computer management is starting too fail, putting into this starbase won't be a permanent fix, we're going too need a full blown ship yard." Then engineer said

"Zarg, how long until our escort arrives?"

"Not soon enough, my math says we'll be below warp two before they can catch up too us" They were interrupted by another alarm "ODN failure on deck three, power management is now on manual throughout the ship, I don't recommend taking us out of warp right until we're close to a rendezvous with this ship coming we might not be able too get back under way."

The engineer nodded agreement with the first officer Commodore Wallace turned looking at the display, "Drop power to anything that can be spared to minimum safe levels, I have a strong feeling we're going too need a tow before much longer, get this Nova two on subspace, Now!"

—NOVA 2–

The subspace message quickly reached the ship and was recieved by tactical.

" We are being hailed Captain." the Communications officer reported.

" On screen." Deke reacted.


Jarred stood up from the command chair, the lighting would emphasize the scars on his face "Nova, This is Wallace aboard the Charlottetown, we're having some computer problems that have significantly reduced our capacities to almost nothing, My chief engineer has the effected systems bypassed but we're down to warp three point two."

Shauna looked at Deke, that wasn’t good news. “Can you send us what you know so far Sir? We can get our people on the problem from this end enroute to you.”

"My engineers are sending a full rundown but it looks like the shipyard rushed this ship out the door we've got a large number of system failures on the computer side, I can't even launch a shuttle right now." The Commodore said with some aggravation in his voice.

“Understood Sir” Shauna looked at Deke, she didn’t understand why a ship that wasn’t ready was carrying important people onboard.

Jarred was going to ask if David was aboard but felt that was inappropriate instead he said "Based on my math we're about thirty minutes out, assuming we don't have more engine issues, I'll try and stay in a defensive posture until you're within range, our shields do work on manual, along with our phasers."

“Understood Commodore” Shauna looked at Deke to see if he had more to add.

Deke didn't reapond but eyed the screen. He knew of the Commodore but not personally.

David stayed out of site during this whole exchange, he looked at the long range sensor display noting that the Charlottetown was now under thirty minutes, he looked up at the command staff of the Nova, "I do apologize for not being involved in this contact with the Commodore, but its I didn't think it was proper at this time."

Shauna nodded. “It’s okay Lieutenant, I understand how awkward this must be for you.”

" You will get your moment Lieutenant. For now lets get there and helo these folks.

"We should be there in under thirty minutes now." David said "I haven't actually ever met the Commodore by the way."

“Then this will be your chance” Shauna smiled warmly. “I’ve no doubt Lieutenant Veran-Dallas will have her hands full helping to smooth frayed nerves and tempers when we return to the station.”

David stepped back, "I'll organize myself for the away mission."

Shauna nodded. “Thank you Lieutenant.”


Word-count: 1,265 words


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