#26 Time for a Reunion
Posted on Sat Feb 25th, 2023 @ 9:48pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani & Commodore Sureth
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Commodore's office
Timeline: current
Taavis and Kehlani, both dressed in their own fashion and sporting Starfleet regalia, arrived in the foyer of Sureth's office. The two approached the desk for his assistant, a young ensign female, apparently Human.
"Commander Taavis and Lieutenant Kehlani, here to see Commodore Sureth," announced Taavis.
The Ensign gave a nod. "The Commodore is on a conference call at the moment. Please, be seated in the waiting area and he will be available shortly."
Taavis and Kehlani nodded at that, then turned and went over to the waiting lounge, neither of them sitting down as they looked out the window at the expanse of base beneath them. The other side of the room provided a view of space, but no lounge. The ladies spoke in low tones to each other as they waited.
Following that call Sureth opened his door and asked for the two officers to come in.
" Enter." Sureth said monotonely.
Both women entered together, Taavis to Kehlani's right and the Commodore's left as he sat down. "Commander Taavis reporting for debriefing."
"Lieutenant Kehlani reporting for debriefing, Commodore."
" I was beginning to wander if you were returning . Please sit down." Sureth replied.
Both officers sat down in the two chairs facing his desk, backs ramrod straight and hands clasped together between their legs/in their laps. Taavis spoke first, not liking what she heard. "Why would I not return? Thirman gave me specific instructions to find torpedoes, or remain gone. I found them. WE found them. Care to explain why we were sent on a wild targ chase after torpedoes that were nothing special? No added technology? Yet, if I had not found them then my career was on line. Yours, I see, did just fine."
Kehlani had her own string of complaints, but they were nothing like Taavis. She was not wrong, the Commander, since they had done a great deal of damage on their search for the missing warheads.
" Your interaction with the Klingons seems to have amplified your emotions Commander. Your tone is a bit petty as well. Are you feeling ill ?" Sureth replied.
"I have never been healthier, Commodore," Responded Taavis. "Yes, I am reasonably upset that no one could send me a message saying that the torpedoes did not have to be found, after all. I am just venting my angst to one of the people I trust."
"Aside from the Commander's...angst, the torpedoes are now back, Commodore." Stated Kehlani, to try and steer things back on a smoother path. "The Klingon Empire aided our search as best they could."
" I have had very little dealings with the Klingon people as a whole. I will however send a gratuity to those who helped you. Commander we have much that has occured. The USS Charlottetown, carrying numerous dignitaries had internal damages. The Nova 2 was sent to assist but fell victim to a cloaked mine, resulting in themselves being rescued. Strategically this is bad as someone is mining the space lanes. With both the Bohr and now Nova 2 off line the station is also vulnerable." Sureth replied.
Taavis was all business now, as soon as all that had been relayed. "I'll have Lieutenant Billi double her patrols around Mercury, and also send out a few runabouts to look into any further mining."
Kehlani had gotten to her feet. "Commodore Sureth, allow me to serve Mercury once more as a Klingon. My vessel, Foes Bane, is ready for patrols, and we do have far more experience dealing with cloaks. I am your strategic operations chief, but I am also an envoy from the Empire. If I could serve those roles as a memmber of the KDF rather than Starfleet, I would jump at the chance, but we are where we are, Sir."
" Consider yourself deputised and your ship Kehlani. Commander Taavis please see to this."
Not fully understanding, and making sure not to misunderstand, Taavis had to ask. "Do you mean assign her as a Klingon, deputized, or do you mean for her to remain Starfleet, and serve as a Klingon in service? Either is fine by me, Commodore, but it would be nice to allow Klingons to do what Klingons do best," she gave a slight grin. "under our guidelines, of course."
Kehlani, like any Klingon, stood with shoulders squared and chest puffed out a bit. Stance was everything. "I shall prepare my ship and crew. If I serve as part of the Empire, I serve under you, and only you, Commodore Sureth. House Grilka can provide further resources we may need, if I ask in the right way." She gave her own crooked grin.
" I welcome the house of Grilka to serve as part of our fleet. You will fly both banners Kehlani. Commodore Wallace will be informed at the briefing. " Sureth replied. "DachIvpu'chugh bIHoSnIS"
Taavis gave a nod of congratulations to Kehlani. "I shall put it in the base logs once we leave here, HoD Kehlani."
"House Grilka will serve no one but themselves and the Empire. I am a member and can garner support when needed. However, as a Klingon I will serve honorably, Commodore, as will my crew. I will inform the Empire and my House once this meeting is over." Kehlani was ecstatic. To serve here, as a Klingon! House Grilka would surely be informed, as would the Imperial Diplomatic Ministry!
Another query came to mind for Taavis. "As a ship CO, should we give Lieutenant Kehlani a field promotion to lieutenant commander, Commodore?"
Kehlani was surprised by that, but she looked to Sureth to see what he would say. Either way, she was now able to serve as a member of the KDF (Klingon Defense Force), under borrowed command of Starbase Mercury and Commodore Sureth. Her memories flooded with the stories she had read about Martok and Sisko, and all they accomplished together, as both friends and comrades in arms.
" Very good idea...Lieutenant Kehlani you are field promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with all the right and privileges."
"You have my gratitude, Commodore, Commander," the Klingon gave them both curt nods. "As you have honored me so shall I honor you with exemplary service. Qapla'!"
Taavis gave her friend and subordinate a nod in return. Then, her eyes went back to Sureth. "Apologies for my attitude, Commodore. Being around Klingons does bring out the warrior in all of us but, so does hunting down and killing a long line of bograts to attain something stolen. I just need to get back to my meditations and Vulcan discipline. If you have nothing further, Sir, I will go and get all this arranged correctly for the base logs."
" Accepted Commander. We have a briefing too coming up." Sureth replied.
"We will be there, Sir. Come, Commander Kehlani, let's get you properly logged and situated." Looking to Sureth. "We shall see you at the meeting, Commodore. Peace and long life, Sureth." The two women left the office, heading directly to Taavis's office to square things away before the meeting.