#27 Preparing to Depart
Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 5:09pm by Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: various
Timeline: current
OOC: This post takes place after the briefing JP but, I had it written so posted.
As Kehlani left the briefing room, Mister Resch on her heels, her Klingon comm went off. Lifting her arm and rolling it over to show the underside of a bracer, she tapped a metallic Klingon glyph. "Speak." They kept walking, stepping into a lift.
"HoD Kehlani, you have an incoming message from House Grilka, security level paduQ'cha."
"I am on my way to the airlock now. Let them know I shall hurry my steps." Kehlani responded.
"Of course," said the Klingon on the other end, then the transmission cut.
Stepping from the lift they made their way down one of the docking arms towards the airlock that accessed the Foes Bane. "It's hard to believe you're a Klingon," said Resch, out of nowhere.
"Why is that so hard to believe," asked kehlani, knowing damn well why, but wanted to hear his reason.
"Well, first off, you're gorgeous. I mean to say, there is no evidence of it in your features. Any of your features."
Kehlani smiled and gave a chuckle, looking over at the man. "I take it that walking behind me made that more apparent? I am Klingon, all the way through. I was raised for many years on Earth as my father was a diplomat. So, looking like Humans I became friends with them, got to know the various cultures and ethnicities, and fell in love with various aspects of Human life."
Resch gave nods to her as she spoke, then continued when there was a pause. "Second reason, you aren't quite as gruff as the others. You seem to consider all aspects of a situation, not just the glory of battle."
They arrived at the airlock, with two burly Klingons, fully armed, guarding the entrance. "Secure from your post, we are getting underway," ordered Kehlani as she walked within and stepped aboard her ship in the command pod, one deck down from the Bridge.
The difference between Starfleet vessels and the Klingon ship was immediately apparent. On the Foes Bane the lighting was more soft despite good illumination; more shadowed. Also, there were a great number of both red and amber lights to mix in with the other. He remembered reading somewhere that Klingons had eyes that adjusted to darkness better, and therefore preferred their consoles and stations to reflect that their eyes saw reds and ambers better than other species.
"To comment about my character, Mister Resch, I am not your typical Klingon. I actually follow the words of Kahless, to the letter. Unlike most Klingons who read snippets and then act like they are better than everyone else, I choose to balance my battle prowess with a sharp mind. As the old saying goes; knowledge is power. The Klingon Art of War teaches us that even in diplomacy all the lessons learned for battle can be applied. Confront when necessary, use guile and deception when needed to hide your true intentions until such a time as those intentions need fruition." They stepped into a lift and it ascended to the Bridge, opening into a small airlock area before another double door slid open with a clang and they were on the command deck.
Resch was impressed with how Kehlani spoke, showing her intellect by her word choices and the way she presented them. A scholarly individual in her own right. "It will be an honor to get to know you better, HoD."
Kehlani gave him a nod and then her eyes moved from him to another Klingon woman. This one fully Klingon. "Behlana, prepare for departure. See to Ensign Resch while I speak to Matriarch Grilka. He is to aid us in gathering intelligence, treat him well." Having said her piece and given orders, Kehlani walked through the Bridge and passed the main window/viewer and into her Ready Room.
Behlana barked orders in Klingon to those around her, then contacted others via communications, the lighting becoming slightly brighter as the ship was now going into full power mode instead of low power mode for docking. Finally, when finished, she looked to Resch with a crooked grin. "What's the saying? Oh, yes. Welcome aboard."
Griffon stood tall before her. "I appreciate that. Now, do I get a station or do I just stand here and stare at you, Lieutenant?" He could see her rank medals on her collar.
Giving a laugh Behlana stepped in and shook hands with the warrior's grip. "You'll fit in nicely. As First Officer I will assign you to the station next to mine, right here." She brought a fist down atop the back of a console with several stations along it. "Sciences, and Operations run from these stations. I will be at science while you get OPS. I take it you can't read Klingon?"
"Afraid not," said Resch. "Never had cause to learn, Lieutenant. Do you have a name?"
"Behlana, daughter of Tavanna."
"Well met, Behlana. I am Griffon Resch, son of Heinrich."
Behlana stepped around the consoles to stand at the stations, waving him in and showing him how to convert from Klingon to Federation Standard (English). "Get to work, Ensign Resch. Power allocation is your business so show me you know your business. I suggest you be ready by the time HoD comes back out. Dereliction of duty is a serious offense on Klingon vessels." Several Klingons around them, who had been listening and stealing glances their way as they spoke to each other, gave evil chuckles.
Resch could recognize the chuckles as going along with the hazing and he chose to ignore it as he got to work.