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Post Number 25 When the Mountain won't come too you.

Posted on Fri Feb 24th, 2023 @ 2:05pm by Kitten Dawson & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: (Kitten's restaurant)
Timeline: 7 hours after the events in 'Who saved who'


Commodore Jarred Wallace hadn't been aboard a starbase in several months, and having never been too this base he found himself almost lost, he found the restaurant he'd been told about, he looked around, he was clearly the first to arrive. He tried not too frown, the restaurant wasn't busy. He tentatively walked in, he saw a young woman out of the corner of his eye.

Kitten had just finished taking opening when she saw a man walk in. By the rank insignia the man was a commodore, picking up a menu she walked over to where he stood. "Good morning your the first one today. I'm Kitten the owner please have a seat and can I start you off with something to drink?"

Flustered Jarred sputtered out "Uh just a coffee for now, I'm waiting on someone."

Kitten nodded "Follow me," she led the way over to a table and set the menus on the table. Walking over to the coffee maker she poured a cup of coffee. It was in a black coffee cup with a cat face on it and the tail made the handle of the cup. Setting it on the table. "Just signal me when your guest arrives and your ready to order," she said smiling

Jarred took a seat, he wasn't sure if he should smile or not, but the coffee was respectable, better than some of the replicated stuff and the stuff his assistant on earth called coffee. He looked around, the decor was somewhere between college bar and one of those bubble tea shops he'd seen in near his residence on earth. He looked at his watch, David was already late, and he was beginning too think that he wasn't coming. He sat back, starting too think about if this was a mistake, he freely admitted to himself that he let things go the way they did. He signaled the hostess whose name he'd forgotten for another cup of coffee.

Kitten seeing the gentleman's wave picked up the coffee post and walked over and refilled his cup. "I hope whoever it is your waiting on didn't get lost trying to find the Cats." she said smiling

The commodore looked up, "If he even comes, it's kind of complicated." he said accepting the refill "It's actually my son and the stations new Intel Chief, we've never actually met let alone ever spoken."

Puzzled Kitten took a seat across from him "You have a son you've never met or spoken to? That is odd, is there a reason for it or am I being too bold in asking?"

Jarred smiled, the scar on his face wrinkled "About twenty four-ish years ago I was involved with a woman and a fellow officer on Deep Space five, she was part of the medical staff, I was part of intelligence and a burnout from the war, when I found out she was expecting I was overjoyed but following a terrorist bombing she left and wanted nothing to do with me." He paused to take sip of the coffee "I tried to make contact about a year later, the twins weren't quite a year old, I was told by some of the locals on the colony she had relocated too that if I showed up I was too leave, so I did, I kept my distance until now, mostly because I was in the right sector at the wrong time."

"Does he even know about you or that your his dad?" Kitten asked "I do hope he comes to see you. Parents are important. Mine are gone and you have no idea how many times I wish I could see them," Kitten said "He needs to see you and get to know you. What happened is not your fault."

"I honestly don't know what he knows about me, from what a mutual friend of his mother has told me David and his twin sister do know about me, but they've been told limited things about me, well...That's not wholly true, I did reach out too him while my ship was towing the one he was aboard back too the station late yesterday, but it was a very uneasy conversation." Jarred paused "I really shouldn't be pouring out my personal baggage on someone so much younger than me."

"Sometimes you just need someone to talk to," Kitten said "He'll need to make his own mind up about you. And you about him. He'll come meet you I'm sure and when he does it's bound to be awkward on both of you. What you'll both need to do is start fresh. Give each other a chance and see where it goes."

Jarred smiled again, "By the way I'm Jarred, and you are?"

"I'm Kitten,I own this place."

"Well, I'm starting too think that he's not coming and I have a trio of diplomats who are getting annoying and wanting to get their deal done so I should move along." The Commodore said starting to stand.

Kitten stood "Bring them here, my boyfriend does the cooking and the meats are all fresh. No replicated food here. And maybe your son will still show."

Jarred stood, almost towering over the younger woman "Thank you, if you ever need anything reach out too my office on earth and I'll do what I can." he said stepping back to offer a handshake.

Kitten took the offered hand and smiled "I'll keep that in mind and I hope you'll stop in again." she handed him the menu "Take this with you."

"I will." Jarred said accepting the menu with another smile.

"Your son I'm sure will come around. Just let him come to you," Kitten said smiling

As Jarred walked back on the walkway he turned back quickly, the young lady who ran that little establishment had made a impact on the old war veteran, but for the moment he was now going too have to face the diplomats who were more of a bane of his existence lately.



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