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Post # 24 Collision course

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 2:08pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Deke Rivers & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Charlottetown/USS Nova-2/Mercury Station
Timeline: 3 hours after 'Who saved who'

OOC: add anyone needed here.


Over the span of three hours the two ships limped their way too Mercury station, Commodore Wallace and his crew had managed too help the Nova back too the starbase. He'd made one attempt too speak too David only to be called away by some matter with the delegates. Now he was standing on the bridge, He finally broke the longer silence "Starbase Mercury this is Charlottetown, we have Nova in tow."

[ Charlottetown acknowledged Two runabouts are heading to assist.] Ltjg Nic Covenant responded.

Arriving in Ops Isabelle smiled as she greeted her father. “I heard scuttlebutt that the Nova was being towed in, I wasn’t sure whether to believe it or not. Do we know what happened?”

" We received a mayday and then lost their signal. Ironic that the Charlottetown towed Nova 2." Sureth replied.


Jarred saw the two runabouts take position to takeover the tow of the Nova, "Cut the tractor beams and begin docking procedures."

Turning too his security chief "You have the bridge."

The runabouts Clinch and French Broad tandumly secured Nova 2 and headed to dock. All the while the crew stayed to post.

Isabelle followed her father. “With your permission Sir, I’ll accompany you to greet our guests. I’ll make sure they get settled in while repairs are underway.”

" By all means Isabella . Commodore Wallace is our Lt Wallace’s estranged father." Sureth whispered.

“Ohh I see” Isabelle nodded. “In that case I’ll make myself available to Lieutenant Wallace if he should need to talk.”


Taavis stood in OPS, observing the goings-on for the ship relief. Runabouts French and Clinch? Usually, runabouts were named after Earth rivers, which caused Taavis to arch an eyebrow. Danube-class denoted the Danube river. But, that was all she did in response to hearing the ship designations. Continuing to observe, Taavis sent a text to Security to be on point once any ships docked.

==Nova 2==

David was sitting on the floor of deck three next too a blown out ODN junction, a crew man had handed him a canteen. His uniform was filthy, between the sweat and dust he was too. He attempted too stand up and make his wat too his assigned quarters to clean up. He tossed the uniform shirt on to the bunk.

-"Lieutenant Wallace, There's an incoming message from the Charlottetown."-

"Put it though" David knew what was next.

-"Hello David"-

"Commodore" David said.

-"I'm not going to sit here and not be proud of how you handled yourself, and I'm not going to beg for forgiveness for the past, I'm here for the now."-

"When we're both on the station we can talk, not over subspace." David said hoping this wouldn't turn into an argument.

-"Understandable, maybe we can have a drink?"- the Commodore offered up as a starting point.

"I'll get back too you, I have to get cleaned up." David said ending the communication.

==Charlottetown; Ready room==

Jarred leaned back in the executive chair in the ready room, He knew he'd messed up in the past. That night twenty four years ago when Claire left after he'd been promoted, she wanted too settle down. The impasse in their relationship along with numerous other problems led too her departure. He'd got word of the twins being born, even made an attempt too be there only to be turned away. He kept his distance after that, even changing sector assignments. He'd kept loose tabs on the twins, he was proud of them even if he wasn't allowed to be there. Now here he was, face to face with one of the kids, and hopes that the other would at least reach out.

The door chime rang out "Enter!"

"I apologize sir, we're about to dock, do you have any additional orders?"

"No, once were docked let the engineers and other technical take over, I've got some angry diplomatic types to deal with." Jarred said as he stood up.

"Very good sir, should I arrange for your son to join us or are you going too meet him?"

"I'll be leaving for the station with the diplomats, and a security detail." Jarred said with irony.


Deke looked to Shauna Callahan and whispered.

" I won't lie this is embarrasing. I save people not get saved."

Shauna couldn’t help but smile at that comment.

David crawled back out of the Jefferies tube access And stood up, dusting himself off. "Well the good news is the turbo-lifts should be back online shortly, one of the emergency bulkheads in the line to the bridge keeps snapping closed when the lifts' are moving up here, the bad news is the safety systems around the impulse engines keep shutting down the engine itself, the engineer mumbled something about EMP."

Shauna looked at David. “EMP, an Electromagnetic Pulse. You think that mine hit us with EMP? Surely if it did nothing around here would be working?”

" A completely warp core shut down and reboot will be necessicary." Rivers then replied.

David took a towel from a yeoman and wiped his face off "I think it malfunctioned, maybe the Commodore was right about it not looking right."

" Or sabotage to boot." Deke replied. " He then looked to Shauna. " We have a briefing with Sureth coming up. We have to give a report."

“Understood Sir” Shauna nodded. “I’ll make sure we have a full report ready for him.”

David took a cue from that conversation "I need to get cleaned up."

Shauna nodded and smiled. “Thank you for all your hard work Lieutenant.”

Deke exited the ship and headed straight to Commodore Sureths office. THEIR meeting before the big meeting to come.



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