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#5 Settlement

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 10:43pm by Commander Kehlani

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: various
Timeline: current



Having met the small Klingon convoy headed for the newly claimed Kerom star system, all vessels came to a stop a few light years from the colony world and its fellow planets. Kehlani was on the Bridge of the Foes Bane, and as always, walked the circular path around the outer edge of the command deck, nodding to and clapping hands down on the shoulders of, her crew. This was a great day, and had been an even grander week. The High Council had finally given permission to lay claim to the solar system of Kerom. Many Houses would be represented by the thousands of colonists coming to build a new Klingon world for the Empire. However, with all that in mind, Kehlani had already staked a claim on the planet as the seat for House Kehlani, in a city to be named in honor of the House: Mojakehl. There were two fully stocked freighters full of heavy equipment and machinery, and still two more full of colonists and laborers, those needed to build and fortify.

"Lady Grilka requests your presence, HoD. Site-to-site transport to where she is now."

Kehlani handed the half empty bloodwine bottle to Behlana, stepping clear of anyone else. "I am ready. Energize!" Within moments the Bridge of Foes Bane disappeared and another, larger Bridge replaced her previous surroundings. Kehlani looked from side to side as she glanced around, Grilka standing just before her, the Matriarch for House Grilka facing Kehlani with her back to the back of the Captain's chair.

"Welcome, Lady Kehlani." Grilka stated as her friend materialized. "We have a new system to claim. New lands to explore and hunt within. New soil for Klingon feet to grow mature and strong. House Kehlani is small but strong, and in time that strength will develop further. All Houses, great and small, have a flagship. HoD Karzal, captain of this vessel, was executed for dishonor and treason. As a member of House K'Mek, Karzal's dishonor falls upon the House he served, and they too have been caught up in less than honorable practices. They are now enemies to House Grilka."

"Then that makes them enemies of House Kehlani," stated Kay. "My House will treat them as such."

Grilka gave a firm Klingon nod to that. "This vessel," she began to pace and talk, gesturing here and there as she went. "The IKS Rokeg, is a vor'Ral-Class battlecruiser (Ship pic in Kehlani bio pics). They are now what the old K't'inga was back in the day. Four hundred Klingons aboard, a power core of advanced design, and multiple weapon hardpoints throughout. A vessel for a warrior to be used like a warrior should." Grilka finally spun to face her friend directly. "Lady Kehlani, the IKS Rokeg is now gifted to you and your House, as your flagship. Half the crew are already House Grilka, with other Houses spattered about. This ship is now the property of House Kehlani. How you deal with the crew is up to you."

Kehlani stepped in and gave her friend and mentor, Lady Grilka, quite the bear hug, with both laughing as they finished hugging. "Foes Bane will need to stay close until we get this ship figured out. Starfleet should be moving M-69 any time now. I would like to be there to assist."

"All in good time, Kehlani." Grilka leveled her gaze at her newest vassal. "Set the foundation for the initial settlement of Mojakehl, then see to your Federation friends."

Kehlani gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Then we should get this fleet moving. If Rokeg has crew then I will use them now. Foes Bane will remain on wing, with Behlana in command. I shall see to it and get us underway." She spun from Grilka to go do what she said she would.

Grilka watched the back of Kehlani the Unstoppable as she walked away. There was no fear in that countenance, nor in that heart, and it pumped with strength when stoked. Even with as diverse as Kehlani was, Grilka always found it amazing that the woman could manage to stay surefooted on the razor's edge. It seemed that Kehlani's destiny was to lead. There was Kahless the Unforgiveable, and now there was Kehlani the Unstoppable. Grilka knew, also, that deep in her heart, above all else, Kehlani sought the title of Dahar Master.

Within a few hours the fleet was underway once more.


Kehlani stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking a massive waterfall. The rumbling water below made the rocks vibrate slightly through her boots. The sun was going down on another long, laborious day. The prefab city, now weeks old, had been celebrating this evening. The large permacrete stone blocks, 100 tons each, had been lifted and placed by shuttles, with thousands of Klingon workers working all shifts, all hours of the night, to get specific structures and buildings erected first. The blocks were the first placed since they were now the wall that will surround the Keep and the halls within. The sun was going down, and in this tropical ecosystem, it warmed Kehlani's face, her mind far away as the weeks had carried on to establish what was, so far.

But, she had given her word to Sureth. The IKS Rokeg would go and meet those at M-69, and provide added escort for the facility. The crew of the Rokeg had been gone through, with those not chosen by Houses to be offered to join House Kehlani, with over a dozen doing so. One of which, to Kehlani's surprise, had been the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Surla. The woman siad it was a tale for another time. Turning from the majestic view of the waterfall Kehlani walked back towards her own encampment, complete with Foes Bane crew, and the newest House additions all sitting around enjoying food and drink. "Lieutenant Surla, crew of Rokeg, it is time we departed for M-69. Behlana, Foes Bane is your command. Protect this star system like it was Qo'noS itself. Once the move is complete then M-69 will be that much closer and we can more readily rely on each other as allies. Until we drink again! Qapla'!" She then tapped her arm bracer. "This is Kehlani. All crew from Rokeg to be beamed up, now. Energize!"

Like a sudden red mist that sprang up, the transporter signals all disappeared just as quickly.



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