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Post #6. Technologists

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 5:31am by Lieutenant Kalva Ren
Edited on on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 4:24pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Engineering Section
Timeline: before arrival at SB69


Kalva stood in the Engineering briefing room trying to figure out how to handle these hominid officers. Were he back in the Republic and preparing a briefing with those he led, he would simply send an update through the net and be done with it.

But here in the Federation, he has to actually speak to those he leads... in person...

His time at the Federation Academy introduced him to the basics of hominid leadership, but what he learned in the classroom didn't really prepare him for the real thing.

As his section leaders filed into the room he waited for them all to take a seat before saying anything.

Once everyone was settled Kalva automatically sent his introductions through the net, when no one responds he remembers that he is faced with those not blessed to be a part of the Mek-Purr Republic.

"I am Technologist Kalva Ren, First of Many... Lieutenant in your Federation." Pausing to view the officers faces looking at him with a mixture of un-interpreted emotions at their new Chief Engineer. "I will be leading you to your success as Technologists, Engineers, of the Peel. I have learned of the Federation and Star Fleet from the place of learning and am prepared to work with the Federation Be."

Lieutenant Kauffman, the human Power Engineer raises his hand for recognition, when Kalva nods to him he says "Welcome to the Peel Lt Ren, I think I speak on behalf of the entire engineering department that we look forward to both working with you and having the opportunity to learn from you and about how the Mek-Purr do things."

Ensign Posperer, the Andorian Drive Engineer and Ensign Kokokopa, the Benzite Mechanical Engineer both nod at what Lt Kaufman said.

Ensign Bandon, the human Computer Engineer just sat with a neutral expression on his face, though his fellow officers who have worked with him for a while, could see that there was a level of tension hiding behind that expression.

Kalva nodded again to Lt Kauffman and says "you are the senior of Technologists on the Peel you will be the one that I communicate with the most. I expect that you will aid me in learning that which is needed to work in this culture."

"You will all have the opportunity to work with me so that I may learn what you each do in your sections. Lt Kaufman, you will make a schedule for my to work with each section."

"Yes sir" Lt Kauffman makes a few notes on his PADD.

"You are all released from this session" at that Kalva leaves the breafing room.

After the door closed Ensign Bandon let out a sarcastic sigh and rolling his eyes says "How did we get so lucky to get some fur ball as our Chief Engineer??" looking at Kauffman "You know, you should have gotten that promotion to Chief Engineer, you worked hard for it and when Ambercrombie left we all expected it to be you."

Kauffman paused for a moment, unsure which direction to take the conversation. A part of him agreed with what Bandon was saying, he fully expected the promotion to Chief Engineer and when he was informed that the Peel was getting an officer from an exchange program with a recently encountered race, he was disappointed to say the least.

"That Will Be Enough Of That" looking Bandon directly in the eyes "There will be no further discussion of this. From anyone" looking at each of the other officers in turn. "Return to your duties, I will be issuing your schedules with Lt Ren by end of shift." Looking at each again in turn and settling on Bandon "and you will ALL show our new Chief the proper respect and educate him on the operations of the Peels engineering department. You are all dismissed."

Still standing with his fists resting on the briefing table, he watches his fellow officers leave the briefing room. Thinking to himself 'we don't need this, not now, not ever'.



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