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#8. Planning for the big move.

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 12:25pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Kalva Ren & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Sean Silk & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD}

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various


The evacuation of non-essential personnel and civilians was well under way. Shauna had called together all the remaining personnel in the conference room for an update on progress.

David had beamed back for the third time in less than eight hours, He'd seen the work going on that had been discussed earlier, much of it was nearly completed, from what he'd seen aboard the Thomson, and based on his own observations things were looking solid, David slid a padd on to the table "The Thomson and the tugs are ready, they're still number crunching some data for the tow and some drones will be adding some additional monitoring during the tow."

Shauna nodded. “Thank you Lieutenant, you’ve been a big asset since you arrived here.”

Marine Major Mattox stood by the door with a phaser on his hip. Other marines were also stationed on the station until time to exit.

Commodore Sureth clearly felt the weight of his rank as all of the people coming to him had questions.

“Everything alright Sir?” Shauna smiled as she walked over to Sureth. “You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders Sir, don’t worry I’ll take it from here.”

~ USS Peel ~

Captain O'Connell sat in the Center Chair with his First Officer seated at his right talking when Helm called out "Captain we've arrived at the Base."

Arriving on the bridge of the Peel, Sarissa offered a warm smile as she took a seat. “I’m looking forward to arriving at Starbase M-69.”

Jamie looked to his left with a smile "Perfect timing Councilor, we're here" "Helm drop us out of Warp, full stop" he ordered then looking over at Comms "Hail the Star Base" he stated as he stood then walking up behind Ops as he received a nod from the Ensign
"Star Base M-69 this is Captain Jamie O'Connell of the USS Peel reporting as ordered by Star Fleet Command, here to assist."

Shauna excused herself from the briefing as the call from the O’Connell was put through.

“Captain O’Connell this is Commander Callaghan, welcome to Starbase M-69! Your timing is perfect! Plans are being finalised for the move to the Lagoon Nebula.”

"Perfect! We'll hold our position for now.....let us know how you want us to assist....O'Connell out." Then opening a Ship wide channel "Attention Crew this is the Captain, we've arrived at M-69 and are presently holding our position until we receive orders on how we'll be assisting so be ready for anything. Thank you, O'Connell out." Tapping his Comm " Lieutenant Ren how are we doing in Engineering."

<^>The Technologists are ready to assist in any way needed<^> replies Ren.

"Excellent Mr. Ren, stand by and be ready for anything; still waiting to see how we'll be assisting in the Star Base move" Jamie answered becoming more and confident in his Chief Engineer.

~ USS Nazgul ~

Captain Taavis sat in her chair, the viewscreen showing her a panoramic view from the ceiling of the meeting. When one of them spoke the internal sensors would adjust for looking at the person like an actor in a film scene. "Just let us know where you want us positioned and Nazgul will get there. Lieutenant Billi, prepare for flight trajectory data."

"Aye, Captain," Billi replied, tapping keys and watching her monitors.

The Bridge doors slid open and a female Andorian officer with Science blue on, came onto the command deck. She went down the steps to lower Bridge and then up the stairs to stand next to the conn. "Lieutenant Sheyla, Reporting as ordered to the USS Nazgul. As both a Medical Officer and a Science officer, Captain."

"Glad to have you aboard, Lieutenant Sheyla," said Taavis as she got to her feet and motioned like a director for where the young officer should go. Towards Ainkara. "Please, your boss is right over there and can square you away." With that done Taavis had positioned herself to stand behind her command chair. "Nazgul is ready to do its part, M-69."

“Understood Captain, bear with us while we finish up here.” Shauna looked around. “It could be a little while.”

~ M-69 ~

Sean Silk stood with his back to a wall, Rusty next to him. He had been given invitation as a listed Privateer so, if they needed him they could ask him to assist with various issues. Looks like he'll fly cargo watch, which meant he would be moving his ship to various warp paths close to M-69 while at warp, making sure everything was holding together, visually as much as with sensors. The more ships to be had for this little move, the better, in his opinion.

Arriving from helping with the evacuations Isabelle saw the man standing against the wall, and offered a warm smile. “Hi, I’m Isabelle Veran-Dallas.”

Silk gave her a warm smile and shook her hand gently. "A pleasure, Miss Isabelle." He kept his own voice tone low. "Sean Silk, ship master and merchant extraordinaire. "And this," He gave a motioning towards his Gorn friend. "This is Rusty, my partner and so many other things." He gave a psuedo-interest in actually looking around. "Will there be any bubbly after the meeting? If I know Starfleet they'll expend a great amount of air and we'll all be parched."

“It’s nice to meet you both” Isabelle smiled. “Don’t worry there’ll be plenty of refreshments on offer. I’ll make sure you get some."

"I was being facetious, my dear," admitted Silk, giving her a warm grin and sidelong glance as his eyes kept going around the room as each person spoke. "I have plenty of libations available. I was making jest of how long it takes Starfleet to actually do anything after all their lengthy discussions." He let it drop for a few moments as he watched the others.

Isabelle nodded. “I’m sure they’ll be finished with their lengthy discussions soon enough.”

=outside the meeting room=

David was heading over too beam back with one of the USS Thomson's engineering teams when he was stopped by "Mister Wallace, I think the Commodores' care package arrived."

Pausing David found a view port, two Excalibur class ships and what appeared to be an older Vandenberg Class transport. "All senior staff this is Wallace, three additional ships have arrived to aid with the bug out, looks like the Commodore came through."

Shauna smiled as she responded. “That’s good news Lieutenant, we should be at full readiness to begin the move soon.”

"I'm going to get a report from the engineering teams now, last time I checked in with them there was a shuttle bay door that wasn't done yet and the emergency forcefield upgrades weren’t done." David said trying to get going again.

Shauna nodded. “Understood, let me know when we’re ready.”

"Will do." David switched modes "Wallace to Engineering crew Three, what's your status."

"Rodriguez here, We're done Mr Wallace, soon as they're done with the bay itself we can drop the door and walk away."

"Acknowledged." David said switching modes "Wallace to Xom what's the final status with your teams?"

The Tellarite grumbled "We're on schedule, one of the control interfaces is not the same spec's as on file so we're having to adapt, nothing we didn't anticipate."

David snickered "Okay Xom, if something changes let someone know."

One final call then it was his turn to return too the Thomson, "Commodore Sureth, all teams report most major work is nearing or completed, any final orders?"

" This move was unexpected but I know a lot of work has gone into making this move. Everyone stay focused and reassure your teams. Starbase M-69 has its best days still to come." Sureth replied.

Silk gave Isabelle a sidelong glance. "See? All we were hearing is 'we're ready to move', and yet, we're not. When I served, when you said you were ready you better be ready. Reminds me of Earth back in the day, their militaries. 'Hurry up and wait' seemed par for the course."

Isabelle nodded. “I guess you have a point, but we do need to make sure everything is in place or this move could go very, very wrong.”

Silk gave a few positive, albeit slight, nods to that. "Too true, and why I am here. SS Redeemer isn't a massive ship by any means, but she does have her...traits." Reaching to the inner pocket on his jacket, Sean pulled out a metallic flask and unscrewed the top, taking a nip from it before offering some to Isabelle. "Saurian Brandy?"


Resch sat with his hand near to the comm key, for when the Captain may wish to add to the meeting. Currently, she sat with her legs crossed at the thigh, casually going over reports from a duty PADD, the meeting still on speakers for the Bridge to listen in. The rest of the Bridge crew were paying attention to their stations but Griffon would catch them, like himself, glancing out the viewport occasionally to see if anything started to move with purpose yet.

Lieutenant Sheyla, after meeting and greeting Ainkara, was sent down to Sickbay. Doctor Ito Had then sent her to the main shuttlebay to play overseer for the non-emergency, temporary refugee triage that was quickly filling up. Relying on her training, and her own Andorian qualities and traits, Sheyla played the welcoming host and got everyone settled as quickly as possible. Once they started to move M-69 then they would all need to find a place and hunker down until it was over. Unless, of course, one was ship crew.


David had a pad in his hand, the engineers from the Thomson had all completed their tasks and were departing. David looked over the details, reinforcements were completed, remote monitoring system was installed, it was down too getting the last of the population relocated too the proper ships. David tapped his combadge, "Wallace to Sureth, where are we with the evacuation?"

“Callaghan here Lieutenant, Commodore Sureth is busy right now. The evacuation is just about complete, we’ll be good to go in the next few minutes.”

Taavis half spun to look back at Resch. "Open the channel to the briefing room, Griffon." When she was told it was open, and she was on visual on the large monitor for the meeting to see, Taavis added her piece. "Mister Wallace, Nazgul has received all we can. We're getting them settled for the journey. Thank you for bringing all this together so well, David."


"We'll move into position once we receive word. Nazgul, out." Taavis finished speaking to the briefing, Resch effectively cutting the transmission. The Captain got to her feet, glancing around as she did. "Well done, people. Lieutenant Billi, when you receive word put us where they need us. Don't wait for my orders."

Billi acknowledged as Taavis looked around once more, casually, with ease in her posture. "The rest of you, carry on." Giving a grin to herself Taavis sat back down, took up her PADD, and got back to her own duties.



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