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#9. Dinner Companion

Posted on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 @ 9:00pm by Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent to Post #48


{Deck 5 - Lounge}

Lieutenant Albo arrived shortly before eighteen hundred in the Lounge, he had previously contacted Sarissa to change the location of dinner, being very excited about having dinner with the cute blonde. Johan wore civilian attire of black pants and a tailored burgundy shirt which showed off his upper body strength. He grabbed a table for two by one of the viewports as he sat starring into space waiting for his dinner companion.

Sarissa hoped that she hadn’t gone overboard with her dress as she strolled into the lounge. It was a three quarter length, black dress, with a modest neckline given that they weren’t going to be alone in the lounge. Her hair was down and loose, after wearing it up whilst on duty she liked to wear it down off duty. Looking around she saw Albo, walking over to him she smiled warmly. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long?”

Being the gentleman he was, Johan stood with a smile looking at this vision "Hi gorgeous, the wait was well worth it" he commented as he walked around and pulled her chair out for her to sit. "I took the liberty of ordering us some wine then we can get dinner from the replicator whenever you wish."

Sarissa smiled and nodded as she took a seat. “Sounds wonderful to me.” She blushed, her cheeks flushing red. “I’m not used to being called gorgeous.”

Johan took his seat then took a sip of wine before commenting "Now that I find hard to believe" he stated then took another sip of wine "You seem to know some things about me from the evaluation; so please tell me some things about yourself."

“Is there anything in particular you’d like to know?” Isabelle paused to sip her wine.

Johan thought for a few moments "OK let me see....favorite color, favorite food, what music do you like.....and oh ya.....are you otherwise involved with anyone" he queried with a smile waiting to see how she would answer his questions.

Sarissa grinned. “Favourite colour... I like red, green, sea blue, pastel shades. Favourite foods include chicken, beef, pork, roast dinners, practically anything really except Klingon food.” She made a funny ‘yuck!’ expression. Music... instrumental, pop, country, some rock, romantic stuff. Am I involved?” She shook her head. “Not yet, but I have my eye on someone whose very charming, who happens to be sitting right in front of me.” She gave him a smile.

Hearing what Sarissa had just said about not being involved with anyone at the moment, and referring to him as a possible future prospect, kind of took Johan by surprise to the point where he was rather lost for words at the moment; which didn't happen often. Being very pleased for her honesty and candor he finally found some words " That is the best news I've heard in a long time" he stated with a grin "Perhaps we should get some food now" as he stood and walked over to her chair and grabbing the back as any gentleman would.

“Thank you” Sarissa smiled as she stood up. “Any ideas what you want for dinner?”

"Actually I was thinking roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy; maybe some peas to go with it" he answered "And what would you like?"

“Actually I was thinking about a roast myself” Sarissa smiled. “The same please.”

Johan ordered two dinners the same then grabbed them with the appropriate cutlery and walked back to the table with Sarissa placing them on the table. Grabbing the back of her chair "Here you go, have a seat and let's enjoy our meal."

“Thank you” Sarissa smiled and took her seat, waiting for Johan to sit before she picked up her cutlery ready to eat.

Johan took his seat and grabbed his utensils taking a bite of the roast beef "Hmm not too bad tasting, or as good as replicator food can be" he commented with a grin "So tell me, have you finished all the physicals and evals yet for the Crew. I'm hoping you didn't get any other male dinner invites."

“To be honest I still have physicals and Evans to do, but no I didn’t get any more invites.” Sarissa smiled warmly as she paused to eat some of her food. She finished what was in her mouth before speaking again. “I should tell you that our Captain and I had a holiday romance, but as it stands we're not involved and I doubt we ever would be.”

Looking at Sarissa "Thank you for being so honest and your assumptions are probably correct given his position on the Ship. Most Captains I've ever served under refrained from becoming romantically involved with a member of their Crew unless they were a real scumbag, and the Captain doesn't strike me as being one of those types" Johan stated with a grin "Besides if I have my way you'll soon forget that relationship ever happened."

Sarissa grinned. “Is that so? In that case I’m going to look forward to that.” She paused to tuck into more of her dinner, it was a shame the meat wasn’t real, but the replicators did a good enough job of the flavour.

Looking into Sarissa's beautiful eyes "Yup, when I see something I want I usually just go for it" he replied with a smirk as he finished the last of his dinner.

“Is that so?” Sarissa finished off the last of her food. Picking up her glass she offered up a toast. “To... going for it!” She grinned as she chinked his glass and took a sip.

The two sat and talked for quite sometime enjoying each other's company when Johan realized the time "As much as I hate to say this....I probably should be going since I have the Alpha shift at Ops tomorrow" then he paused with a smile "May I escort you back to your quarters?"

Sarissa nodded. “That would be nice. To be honest I’ve had a wonderful time, I wish it didn’t have to end.”

Johan walked around the table to help her get up "So have I and I would like to see you again if that's agreeable to you" he stated with a smile.

Standing up Sarissa nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

The two friends walked towards Sarissa's quarters talking as Johan took her hand in his being very comfortable in her presence. Once they arrived Johan looked longingly into those beautiful eyes as he commented "You know I could really get used to being with you."

Sarissa blushed as she looked into Johan’s eyes. “Thank you. I don’t suppose you’d like to come in?” She motioned to her door. “I don’t want to appear too forward, and end up spoiling the evening.”

Johan just grinned "As much as I would love to.....I really should be going" he replied as he stepped into her personal space and said in a soft voice "Another time perhaps......sweet dreams gorgeous" as he leaned in and gave her a tender kiss....looked at her for a moment then turned to go back to his quarters before he changed his mind.


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