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Post # 4 Captain's Quarters Pt.1

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 8:07pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: End Of Day


{Deck 2}

The Captain was quite pleased with how comfortable his new quarters were. On a big Ship the Commanding Officer's quarters were quite large with Holo fireplaces, full kitchens, or whatever else struck the CO's fancy. With the size of the Peel however, the Captain's quarters were about the size of a Lieutenant's on the larger class vessels.

After Jamie had accepted the command of the Ship the Admiral had asked him if there was anything special he wanted installed in his quarters since the Ship was in the middle of a refit anyway. Jamie fancied himself a bit of a gourmet cook so he asked for a small kitchenette to be included in his living area.

The large blank wall on the side of the living area held a row of cabinets. Incorporated into the cabinets was a sink, four burner plasma stove with an oven directly beneath, and a half fridge; everything tucked neatly away. The rest of the cabinets held a small food pantry, with dehydrated food packs, various spices, a replicator, and room for more storage such as pots and pans. Above theses were a row of cupboards which held dishes, glasses, boxes, or whatever else the occupant desired. About six foot forward of the cabinets was a narrow island which not only was used for food prep but also served as an eating area with stools on the opposite side. Also included was a reclaimer for trash. All in all it was a pretty sweet setup; not a Chef's Kitchen by any means but it was adequate for Jamie's needs.

The rest of the living area was pretty much the standard issue with a couch against the back wall flanked by two end tables and a coffee table in front of the couch. On the sides of that area were two chairs, one on each side. On the opposite side wall was a desk with a Computer Terminal, and chair, while a bookcase occupied most of the remaining wall.

The bedroom had a double bed with two night stands on either side, two dressers, and a large closet. The room also had holo lights on a dimmer. The bathroom had all the amenities one would expect which included a large sonic shower, clothes refresher, and a blow dryer mounted on the wall.

After a very long day, which most had been since leaving Space Dock, Jamie was ready to relax. After a refreshing shower, and dressing in some comfortable clothes, he headed back out into the living area and over to the replicator "Computer...Irish Whiskey...on the rocks" came the request; moments later he grabbed his drink and went to sit on the couch. Taking a long sip Jamie put his feet up on the coffee table and began to re-account the last few days of his new Command. He was very pleased with not only the new Ship but also his new Crew and how well they seemed to be settling in and getting into a routine so quickly; even Lieutenant Ren who was a very curious fellow. Jamie had also heard rumors that Sarissa was becoming friends with one of the male Crew which pleased him since their relationship could never be more than friends at best given his rank; news travels fast on such a small Ship..

Amid his thoughts and musings Jamie was snapped back to reality when he heard his door chime go off. Wondering who could be coming to the Captain's quarters Jamie rose from the couch and proceeded towards the door. Opening it he was very surprised to see who his guest was standing in the Corridor.



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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