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Post #3. Heads Up

Posted on Tue Mar 28th, 2023 @ 11:59am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Captain Deke Rivers

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Deke Rivers opened the comm channel and awaited the message. A message from an old friend he had not heard from in many years.

[ Deke Rivers you old goat. How long has it been?] asked the man.

" A hundred years easy. I sent you a prescription for a blood additive. It saved my life." Deke told him, referring to Dr Williams medical advances.

[ I will get this to my Doctor. Deke I am glad you called I heard about your heart attack and demotion. I could use a man like you. Come work for me.]

Deke paused.


Deke entered the medical section and entered the Counselors office.

" Counselor I am here for my psych exam."

Isabelle smiled warmly as she greeted Deke. “Of course Captain, please come in and make yourself at home. How are you?”

" I need this to be the short version. My vacation starts tomorrow and I am getting the hell off this rust bucket before Sureth cancels my leave." Deke replied.

“What makes you think my father would do that Captain?” Isabelle smiled. “You’re entitled to your leave time.”

" Oh crap that's right you're his daughter. Nothing Counselor just joshing." Deke replied.

Isabelle grinned. “Relax Captain, What you say here is strictly between us. Patient, Counsellor, Confidentiality. I take it you’re not very happy here?”

" Nah it's great. I brought my ship to the station and give my all only to be relieved of my command. I am fine as a frogs hair Counselor. When do we begin?" Deke replied.

“We already have Captain” Isabelle smiled. “I would imagine that you were only temporarily relieved of your command, due to fears for your health. Is there nothing here for you?”

" Why don't you ask me if I hated my father? Or blame my Momma for something?"

“Because that’s old school, and I’m not” Isabelle grinned. “So are you avoiding the question?”

" Fine. Not any more. Starfleet doesn't need me so I will just retire. Maybe I will get me a cargo ship." Deke replied

“What gives you the idea that Starfleet doesn’t need you Captain?” Isabelle looked at Deke curiously. “Plus I believe someone else here needs you.”

" Trust me little girl Deke Rivers is done in Star Fleet. As for that person..she needs someone her own age. I was hopping galaxies when her grandpaw was in diapers. Now sign off on my eval, I will go pack and you can bid my happy posterior goodbye." Deke replied.

“I think you’re anything but happy Captain.” Sky gave Deke a knowing look. “Before you get your ‘happy posterior’ moving I suggest you talk to ‘her’ and explain your decision. Instead of leaving her high and dry, because once you’ve made that mistake there’ll be no going back.”

Deke stood up and walked to the door.

" Counselor when this is all over Shauna will understand. I will be in my quarters packing. With or without that evaluation it doesn't matter. I am leaving Starfleet." Deke replied.

“If you’re truly sure, then there’s no need for an evaluation Cap... Deke.” Isabelle offered a smile. “Take it from a woman whose been hurt before, it’s best to tell Shauna. At least give her a chance to understand.”

" Counselor I have never been good at goodbyes." Deke replied as he exited the counselor's office. His mind fixed and made up Deke returned to his quarters to pack up amd leave.

One last thing he left behind was an isolinear chip on his pillow for Sureth.

In Ops Shauna was none the wiser to Deke’s planned departure, she was busy organising the logistics of the station move.



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