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Post # 20 Drinks All Around

Posted on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 8:33pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current - Down Time


Following the suggestion of Captain O'Connell concerning getting to know your people socially; Lieutenant SanChez had made arrangements for the entire Security Team, both Fleet and Marines, to have a relaxing evening in the Lounge at about nineteen hundred hours.

{Deck 5}

Maria SanChez arrive a little early to secure some tables to seat about fourteen people knowing that some may hang out at the bar and since they would be drinking synthetic alcohol all were invited even the couple of Security who were presently on duty for this one time event. Everyone was encouraged to wear civilian attire, that way rank would not be an issue. Maria decided to be typical Maria and wore low rider jeans with a sleeveless mid-drift top along with work boots. The top allowed her to show off her muscles and a diamond belly button piercing.

First to arrive was Captain John Hunt who walked right over to SanChez "Hey SanChez....nice have some serious muscles going on there" he commented looking at her upper body "Actually I feel a little over dressed" then came a chuckle since he was dressed in a nice pair of slacks and a dress shirt.

Maria grinned "Naw, you look just fine.....besides one of us has to show some class and it sure as hell isn't me" she commented with a chuckle "Please grab yourself a drink while we wait for the others to arrive." John ginned and made his way to the bar.

Shortly most everyone else had arrived and conversations began to ensue as SanChez walked over to the group who were all at the bar "Hey guys and gals tonight is all about getting to know each other....we are all Star Fleet and we are all Security on this Ship. Since we'll be working closely together we all need to feel comfortable and confident in the other person....someday our very lives may depend on it" Maria stated being quite serious at the moment then she broke into a smile "Ok I'm done with the talk....let's have some fun."

The entire Security Team were all smiles and handshakes abounded as everyone talked, laughed, and were just plain having a good time.

For the next couple of hours Maria was meeting all her Staff, and more importantly everyone was getting to meet and see first hand exactly what their Chief was like. From time to time Maria would look over seeing a very nice looking young Private looking over her way. While Maria was deciding wether or not to walk over to Anderson and have a friendly chat someone else had similar intentions.

John walked over to Maria with a smile and whispered in a low voice "Maria when this is over what say you and I go back to my quarters and have a more private party.....I do have a ten year old bottle of Scotch that has been begging to be opened" John stated with a smile looking at Maria's impressive body.

Maria returned the smile "While I'm flattered by your gracious invitation.....and I am, please don't take this the wrong way....but you're really not my type" she replied hoping she hadn't hurt his feelings.

A very surprised John had to ask "I would be lying if I said I'm not what exactly is your type if I may so bold to inquire" at least he would know what he was up against.

"My type" as she looked over towards Anderson "Is that nice looking Private standing over there" she commented with a grin.

John looked over in the general direction "You mean Private Jones" he asked looking at a sort of an awkward looking male Marine.

"Good grief no....the other Private....Anderson" Maria replied with a chuckle.

Now John was really surprised " like the ladies" he answered with a grin "Well I certainly can't compete with that."

"To be fair I do occasionally go both ways but mostly.....yes I do prefer to be with a women. " Maria stated with a smile "I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.....I do want us to work closely together."

"As far as Duty goes....I can assure you nothing has changed between us....I guess you just caught me by surprise that's all....each to their own I guess" John commented still a bit shocked.

"At least you know all about SanChez now and thank you for understanding" Maria answered with a smile as she reached up and gave John a kiss on the cheek "I didn't want the evening to be a complete disappointment."

John just smiled after the kiss on the cheek "That was well worth it.....don't you think you should go over there and talk to Anderson" he stated then turned and went off in the other direction.

Knowing John was right Maria walked over to the Private "So Anderson are you going to avoid me all night" she asked with a grin while noticing just how cute she really was.

A very surprised Anderson returned the smile "No Ma'am....but I didn't know if you'd ever want to talk to me again after the way we met....which I apologize for by the way.....that was a pretty stupid thing to do" she replied with a grin feeling a little more at ease.

"We're both off duty so please call me Maria.....apology accepted....and yes that was a pretty stupid move on your part.....just lucky for you I've been around Marines long enough to know when their 'pranking' someone" she commented with a grin.

"Thank you.....and please call me Sarah....I'm very happy you're not mad at me Maria" she replied with a smile as she touched Maria's arm with a soft touch.

Maria just smiled as she leaned in closer in a low voice "Since things are winding down here, would you like to come back to my quarters where we can sit and talk for awhile" she asked.

"Yes I'd like that" Sarah answered still not believing this was actually happening.



Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Peel


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