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Post #21. Ragalian Overture

Posted on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 10:00pm by Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current - Down Time


{Deck 5}

Johan had contacted Sarissa earlier in the day to meet him in Holo Suite Two to spend some more time together; little did he realize this would be a true date and hopefully one of many. Standing in relaxed civilian attire, Johan was waiting for Sarissa to arrive for a bit of a surprise.

Sarissa had spent a few minutes panicking over what to wear for her date. In the end she settled for a summer dress, and sandals. Arriving at the holodeck she smiled warmly as she greeted Johan.

"Hi gorgeous.....don't you look nice" Johan commented with a smile " Computer Albo One" came the request as the doors slid open and the couple walked in.

They were presented with dark blue sunny skies, lush dark green grass, rolling hills with a refreshing northern breeze, and birds singing off in the distance. Looking at Sarissa "So what do you think of this place" he asked.

“I think I should have put on a dress!” Sarissa grinned. “It’s absolutely beautiful Johan! I love it, and I can’t wait to explore.”

"And explore we shall but first let's explore over by that tree" he stated with a grin as he took her hand and walked over to a nearby shade tree. In front of them was a blanket with a basket of food and a bottle of wine on top "I thought we might have a snack and get to know each other a little better."

“I would like that very much” Sarissa smiled warmly. Taking the lead she kept hold of Johan’s hand as she moved to the blanket to sit down.

Johan sat and proceeded to open the basket. He placed a platter with assorted cheeses, and ham on the blanket along with a platter of grapes as well; also included was a container of assorted crackers. Johan looked up at Sarissa and smiled looking at this vision of beauty as he grabbed a bottle opener and uncorked the wine. Poring each of them a glass he handed one to Sarissa "Here you go....Chateau Picard Rose....a beautiful wine for a beautiful women" he commented with a grin.

“Chateau Picard? Very nice indeed” Sarissa smiled warmly. “A getting to know each other.” She gently chinked her glass against his and sipped her wine, before popping a grape in her mouth.

Johan grabbed a piece of cheese and a small bite of ham and ate them together before sipping his wine "This place" then he paused "Is a simulation of where I grew up as a boy.....Regalia. Someday I hope to visit there again" he explained attempting to hide the fact that he did miss his home world on occasion "So what's Betazed like?"

“To be honest, what I remember of it and have learned of it since, is beautiful. I was assimilated when I was three, and spent the next seven years in the collective. When I was finally reunited with my father, I spent a lot of time on Starships and Starbases. I didn’t really see much of Betazed until I went to university there when I was sixteen.”

For the second time, since he had known her, Johan was searching for words to say as he looked longingly into Sarissa's eyes "I knew there was something special about you from the moment I met you and now I know why" he stated before continuing "It's your strength, determination, and willingness to rise above such a tragic event in your young life. There are only two other people that I know of who were able to do what you have is a retired Star Fleet Admiral and the other is a Star Fleet Captain so it looks like you're in good company."

Sarissa smiled warmly as she looked into Johan’s eyes, “I guess I am at that, but I much prefer to be in your company. You make me feel...normal, like these implants don’t exist, and I like that feeling very much.”

"They don't define who or what you as far as I'm concerned they don't exist" Johan replied then leaned in closer and whispered "And you are very beautifully normal" he stated then gave her a very tender kiss.

Sarissa returned the kiss just as tenderly, in all honesty she hadn’t had many relationships in the past. She blushed as thier lips parted. “I...should tell you something, I’ve never...” She paused. “What I mean is, I haven’t had many relationships, in-fact I’ve never had a serious relationship before.”

Johan just grinned "I guess I'm in good company then" he replied "Most of mine have should I put this...what you might call 'one night stands'; although being with you I think those days may be over since I have never met anyone quite like you before."

The couple sat and talked for awhile sharing not only their feelings but also some of their hopes and dreams really getting to know one another better. Johan spoke up "You had mentioned doing some exploring; there is something I'd like to show you before our time is up in the Holo Suite" he stated as he stood and offered Sarissa his hand.

Taking Johan’s hand Sarissa held onto it as she looked at him curiously. “Lead on, I’m fascinated to know what you want me to see.”

The couple walked holding hands about an eighth of a mile to a cave, entering Johan said "Look up" so that Sarissa could see the soft pale blue glow of the ceiling "You had mentioned you like soft pastel colors.....these are Ninetos, a small creature that eats the limestone in the cave's ceiling and give off this soft glowing light."

“Ohh my...” Sarissa stood wide eyed as she looked up at the beautiful colour of the ceiling. “It’s so beautiful, the sheer glow of the colour is amazing!” She stood marvelling at it. “I wish we could come here more often.”

"That's the one nice thing about a computer program....we can come here any time you wish" he replied with a grin being very happy that she liked this place so much.

“Then this will be my all time favourite place. If I’m in the holodeck then this is where I’ll be.” Sarissa grinned. “Imagine camping in’s so magical.”

Johan thought for a few moments "You know we could do some lite camping here....I mean have a Holo fire and I could cook us a meal over that" he suggested "Of course with only a few Holo Decks on board it would only be for a few hours at a how does that sound."

“That sounds wonderful.” Sarissa nodded enthusiastically. “It would be amazing!” The excitement at the whole idea was plain to see, it was practically written all over her face.

Johan stood smiling at her excitement about his suggestion and as he was thinking about sharing another kiss with this enchanting woman when an alarm went off in his pocket "Damn.....those three hours flew by....looks like our time is up here" he stated as he reached in his pocket to silence the alarm "Next time I'll cook you a camp meal." he promised "Computer save and end program" as everything was gone and eight black surfaces prevailed.

“That was over all too quick” Sarissa smiled. “I’m having so much fun, I wish it didn’t have to end!”

"I know what you mean.....this has been the most enjoyable time I've had in a very long while....thank you for that" Johan stated with a smile as he reached down and took Sarissa's hand "May I walk you back to your quarters?"

Sarissa nodded as she held onto Johan’s hand. “I’d like that very much.” Setting off for her quarters Sarissa gave Johan a curious look, she was considering asking him in, but as he’d refused last time she wasn’t sure if she should ask again so soon.

The couple walked back to Sarissa's quarters all the while Johan was wondering if he would get an invite inside; if not then perhaps another time.

{Deck 2 - Quarters}

Once they arrived Johan figured he would play it by ear as he commented "It was very nice spending time with you today."

Sarissa smiled. “Would you...” She paused. “Would you like to come in?”

"Yes, I'd like to come in for a few minutes" he replied with a smile. Once inside Johan looked around "I like what you've done with the looks very comfortable and cozy."

Sarissa smiled warmly. “Thank you, I’m someone who enjoys her creature comforts!” She paused before ‘biting the bullet’ and taking a chance on her feelings, stepping up to Johan she gave him a gentle yet romantic kiss.

Johan was pleased that Sarissa had kissed him first as he said in a low voice after the kiss pulling her a little closer "You know My Lady.....being around you is becoming quite addiction I am looking forward to" then he returned the lovely kiss in kind.

Sarissa returned the kiss smiling as their lips eventually parted. “I could quite willingly get used to you being here. I’m enjoying learning what true love is all about from you, I don’t want to stop learning.”

The mention of 'love' would have freaked out the 'old Johan' but this women was so different and so captivating that hearing her just put a smile on his face "We have all the time in the galaxy to get to know one another and the learning is going both ways" he commented as he leaned in once again to give Sarissa a very proper and affectionate kiss. When their lips parted Johan smiled "It's getting late and I should be going My Lady."

Sarissa gave a disappointed nod. “I don’t suppose I could tempt you into staying, could I?” She offered an appealing smile. “I don’t want to sound like I’m rushing you...”

"If I were to stay I think I know where it would lead.....and as tempting and as incredible as that would be.....I would like to get to know one another a little more first" he commented with a grin.

Sarissa nodded. “Maybe I’m being a little too eager, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.” She smiled albeit a little disappointedly. “I have enjoyed our date, let’s do it again soon.”

"Now that sounds like a plan and I have enjoyed our time together too; and yes it will be well worth the wait" Johan replied with a smile; he leaned in for one last luscious kiss then go back to his own quarters.

Sarissa smiled to herself as she walked over to the sofa and flopped down onto it with a smile on her face. She was looking forward to their next date already.



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