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Post #22 Meanwhile on M-69

Posted on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 @ 11:47pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Starbase M-69 Ops
Timeline: MD6

Shauna sat in Ops keeping a watchful eye on the stations systems, So far the move seemed to be going according to plan. She smiled as she looked around seeing Isabelle sitting cradling her son, alongside John Dallas, they looked quite the happy family.

Isabelle smiled as she saw Shauna looking in her direction, she liked Shauna. Her attention turned back to John. “I’m glad you’re still here with us Imzadi, what will happen with your training once the station arrives at the Nebula?”

" I am in limbo. The Commodore postponed my assignment to the academy." John replied.

“Postponed? For how long?” Isabelle looked at her husband concernedly. She was glad he was staying but concerned that he’d be assigned away, and unable to get back when their baby was due. There was plenty of time right now, but that would soon go. “You still have...”

Her sentence was interrupted as the whole station suddenly shook and violently lurched, Isabelle stumbled and fell hitting her head hard on a nearby console as she tried to protect her son.

" Isabella everything will be okay." John tried to reassure .

Seeing Isabelle fall Shauna hit the comms. =^= Ops to Sickbay! Doctor Ramvek you’re needed in Ops! =^=

Hearing the call to Ops Doctor Williams grabbed his medical bag and headed to the nearest Lift being in a bit of a hurry since the call sounded urgent. Walking into Ops Ramvek could see Isabelle sitting on the floor with blood running down the side of her head and quickly went over to her "Isabelle what happened" he asked as he opened his medical bag.

Isabelle gave Ramvek a blank stare for a moment still dazed, before answering. “The sudden lurch of the station, I lost my balance... I was trying to protect my son.” She frowned she now had one hell of a headache. “I think there’s a little man in my head with a sledgehammer!” She smiled a wry smile.

Ramvek just grinned as he grabbed a sterilizing pen and went over the wound to make sure no infection would set in. Then used the regeneration scanner to heal the opening after which he scanned her head area completely " The good news is there doesn't seem to be any sort of concussion and I have cleaned and repaired the laceration" he stated then continued "I can give you a pain killer for the headache but I want to keep it on the mild side for obvious reasons."

Isabelle smiled. “Thank you Ramvek. I appreciate it.” She looked at Shauna. “Do we know what caused the lurch?”

Shauna shook her head. “Not yet, details are still rolling in but with so few crew onboard it's slow progress.

Exiting his office Commodore Sureth joined them.
" What was that?"

“I have no idea Sir” Shauna motioned to Isabelle. “Counsellor Veran took a tumble as a result of the shake. Perhaps it was just space turbulence, we are moving a very large object here.”

" Turbulance and space eddies are always a factor. Doctor does Isabella need to be seen in sickbay? " Sureth asked.

"All things taken into consideration, it wouldn't be a bad idea; that way I can get a more detailed scan just to be safe that is not to say I believe there are any problems" Ramvek explained.

“If you think it’s best Doctor” Isabelle nodded in agreement.

" Dallas escort her down to sickbay . " Sureth ordered. " Thank you Doctor." Ramvek nodded as the three of them made their way to Sickbay.

Sureth then sat down at the empty science station. Running a localized scan his theory about subspace shifting was confirmed.

" Subspace shifting is rocking us. The station was never meant to fly in space. I will have engineering increase the inertial stabilizers." Sureth added.

~ Sickbay ~

Once in Sickbay Isabelle lay on the Bio Bed as Ramvek proceeded to complete a much more thorough scan of her head and neck area. Once completed he looked at Isabelle "It's just as I ill effects from trying to rearrange the cabinet in Ops with your head" he stated with a grin "So how is the headache?"

“It’s not as bad as it was, thank you” Isabelle smiled as she looked up at Ramvek. “If I hadn’t been trying to protect my son I’d have been able to avoid doing that, but rather me get hurt than him.” She looked towards Dallas who was cradling his step-son. “You’re a natural John.”

"Usually when something like that happens the natural 'mothering instincts' kick in where you will do most anything to protect your child" Ramvek stated then looking over at John in a serious tone "Isabelle is correct Mr. Dallas; you certainly are a natural Father. This child will be lucky to have you."

" Thank you Doctor. Family means everything to me. Is Isabella able to return to duty or do I need to hog tie her to our quarters?" John replied.

Ramvek grinned not really knowing if John was joking or if her was serious; then looking over at Isabelle "Take the rest of the day off then if you feel up to it you can return to your duties tomorrow. Thankfully with the majority of the Crew gone you should have an easy few days anyway" he commented.

“I guess so” Isabelle nodded. “Time to put my feet up while I’ve got the chance then.”

"That sounds like a good course of action....I am sure once the Base gets parked and situated things will get back to normal rather quickly" The Doctor commented pleased to see Isabelle taking the accident seriously.

“It’ll be one crazy rush no doubt” Isabelle nodded. “Thank you for all your help Ramvek, I appreciate it.”

"You are welcome and problems arise please feel free to contact me" then looking at John "Take good care of her Mr. Dallas and make sure she behaves herself" Ramvek commented with a grin.

" That is a 24/7 job." John answered.

The Doctor had to chuckle a bit at John's answer "No one said it would be easy" he replied still chuckling to himself.



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