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Post # 32 Normalcy

Posted on Tue May 23rd, 2023 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Star Base M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41}

[Sick Bay]

Now that the Base was transplanted to the new location, things in Medical were getting back to normal mostly. There hadn't been any catastrophic medical events, just the usual scrapes, cuts, muscle strains, and the occasional burns.

Doctor Williams sat in his Office going over some reports when his Terminal went off with an incoming message. Typing in the key sequence he was pleased, but surprised, to see a very familiar face.

"Doctor Williams how are you" the young man queried on the other end.

"Labno, my boy I'm well and how are you doing, how are your studies going" Ramvek asked with a big smile.

"I'm well and my classes are going really great. Matter of fact I'm quite surprised how easy they seem to be" Labno replied being very happy to see the Doc again even though they were a great distance apart.

"That's great to hear but don't get cocky kid your just beginning at the Academy. Besides you've had something that the other cadets never had yet....on the job training. Sooner or later that will be exhausted and you'll have to learn just like the other students are now doing" he replied trying to make Labno understand.

"You are right of course Doctor but I plan on keeping my grades where their at as time goes I have managed to make some new friends as well" he replied.

"That's great....I made friends when I was at the Academy too but be careful and stay focused on why you are there" he responded with a smile.

"I see you made it through the Base relocation" he stated with a grin.

"Yes but barely,,,,,my nerves were pretty much shot after a two week trek to our new location; but I guess I am no worse for wear because of it" Ramvek replied with a light chuckle.

"That is good to hear Doctor. Well I should be going I have class shortly. I just wanted to let you know how I am doing and to thank you for all your help in getting me prepared for this new adventure" he stated with sincerity.

"You are welcome and it was my pleasure to help you out in your new career" then Ramvek paused "But I hope you realize you are the one who put in all the time and energy into this."

"Yes I know but it was your encouragement that kept me going and I thank you for that. I will check in again in a few weeks. Good bye Doctor Williams" Labno stated then the screen went back to the UFP logo.

Ramvek smiled to himself and was happy to hear from his young student. Getting up from his desk he went back into Sick bay proper to share the news with Heidi.

Walking up to the Heidi "Ensign Stone, do you have a minute" he queried.

"Yes I do Doctor" as she looked around the room "There doesn't seem to be much going on at the moment. What's on your mind."

Ramvek grinned "Well certainly nothing galaxy shaking; I wanted to let you know Labno just contacted me from the Academy and he's doing quite well and is making some friends also" he explained.

Heidi smiled "That's so nice to hear...I was wondering if he would contact you or not" she commented then went on "The fact that you took him under your wing and made sure he received a good base for his time at the Academy speaks volumes about your character and you as a person."

Ramvek was a little lost for words at Heidi's comment for a moment "Thank you but he did do all the work himself.....I merely pointed him in the right direction and gave him the tools to be successful" he replied.

"Exactly.....I've worked with some CMOs who wouldn't even give someone like Labno the time of day let alone take him under his wing" she stated with conviction "That's what I admire about're not like most CMOs and I can attest to that first hand."

"I'm not sure I follow what you mean about first hand" the Doctor answered a little perplexed.

"What I meant was....most Chiefs would have thrown me out with the bath water, but instead you gave the chance to become a better person and even gave the chance to be your Head Nurse allowing me to leave my...shall we say....sorted past behind me" Heidi explained with a smile thinking for such a smart man he's a little dense at times "And that was life changing for me giving me a sense of belonging and achievement."

Ramvek smiled "That was because I saw something in you and felt you deserved another chance...we all make mistakes at one time or another in our lives. Best decision I could have made and you have not proved me wrong either" he commented.

"Thank you Doctor and I try very hard to live up to your expectations of me" Heidi replied with a grin.

"I know you do and thank you for that" he answered "And while we're on the subject of would you like to have dinner with me tonight on the Promenade."

Heidi was impressed "Now that was very smooth Doctor" she commented in a whisper "Yes I'd like that very much; let's say eighteen hundred and meet at your quarters."

"That would be acceptable and let's go Civilian for a change" he whispered with a grin.

"I have a couple of more things that need my attention, but yes Civilian attire it is" Heidi answered with a smile then went back to her duties as the Doctor checked on the rest of his Staff.



Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base M-69

Doctor Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Bse M-69


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